Unia Europejska

foto Piotr Ślipiński

dr. Luca Pietro Casacci, Adiunkt


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Italian Scientific Habilitation in Zoology – BIO/05 (05.04.2018).

PhD in Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity Conservation (2008-2010). Thesis: Eco-ethological and evolutionary processes in the Maculinea-Myrmica system. University of Turin, Turin, (Italy).

Italian Professional Habilitation in Biology (03.09.2009)

Master’s degree in Animal Conservation and Biodiversity (2004-2007), University of Turin, Turin (Italy).

Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences (1999-2004), University of Turin, Turin (Italy).

Current projects:

Evolution of vibro-acoustic communication in ants.

Evolution of acoustic signals in butterfly-ant interactions.

Relationship between Myrmica ants and their parasitic fungus Rickia wasmannii.

Studies on inquiline social parasite, Myrmica karavajevi.

Conservation genetics of Euphydryas italica (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in italy.

Habitat quality in the Euphydryas aurinia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) complex

Main research interests:

Insect bioacoustics

Chemical ecology in social insects

Host- parasite evolutionary dynamics

Butterfly conservation

Phylogeny, biogeography and taxonomy of butterflies

Research grants and scholarships:

  • NCN Research grant No. 2016/23/P/NZ8/04254 within POLONEZ 3 call (2018/2019 – 24 months) for the project “VIBRANT - Evolution of VIBRoacoustic communication in ANTs”, Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (Poland)
  • Research scholarship (2017 - 7 months) “Characterisation of the vibroacoustic and chemical signals mediating the interaction between lycaenid butterflies and their host ants”, Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology, University of Turin, Turin (Italy)
  • Research grant (2016/2017 - 12 months) for the project "Acoustic communication in Lycaenid butterflies", Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology, University of Turin, Turin (Italy)
  • Grant by Fondazione Ricerca e Talenti (05.03.2016) for the “Organisation of Scientific Workshops”.
  • Research scholarship (2015/2016 - 12 months) for the project “Knowledge about the Lepidoptera species in Capanne di Marcarolo National Park”, Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology, University of Turin, Turin (Italy)
  • Mobility Grant (27.11.2015) “Short Term Scientific Mission. Progetto COST – Action 1405
  • Basic research investment fund (FIRB) grant (2013/2015 - 24 months) within the project "Multi-taxa approach for the study of the Italian Biodiversity to climate change", Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology, University of Turin, Turin (Italy)
  • Research grant (2011/2013 - 24 months) within the project "Development of an index for the evaluation of agri-environmental measures of the 2007-2013 Rural Development Program through the use of Lepidoptera as bioindicators", Department of Animal and Human Biology, University of Turin, Turin (Italy)
  • PhD scholarship (2008/2010 - 36 months), Department of Animal and Human Biology, University of Turin, Turin (Italy)

Academic work experience:

  • Italian Scientific Habilitation (2018)
  • Adjunct Professor (2017/2018) - General Zoology course with Laboratory, Bachelor’s Degree in Natural Sciences, University of Turin
  • Expert in Biological Sciences(BIO/05) (from 2014), Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology, University of Turin
  • Adjunct Professor (2011/2012) – Animal Conservation and Biodiversity, Master’s Degree in animal Conservation, University of Turin
  • Teaching assistant (2008/2009 - 2014/2015) - General Zoology, Bachelor’s Degree in Biological Sciences, University of Turin
  • Teaching assistant (2008/2009 - 2012/2013) - Biological Conservation, Master’s Degree in Animal Conservation and Environmental Biology, University of Turin
  • Teaching assistant (2007/2008, 2009/2010, 2010/2011, 2012/2013, 2014/2015) – Lepidopterology, Master’s Degree in Animal Conservation and Environmental Biology, University of Turin


Abreu de Assis R., Casacci L.P., Bonelli S., Barbero F., Elias de Assis L.M., Venturino E. (2018) Effects of host interspecific interaction in the Maculinea-Myrmica parasite-host system. BULLETIN OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY

Trigos Peral G., Casacci L.P., Ślipiński P., Grześ I.R., Moroń D., Babik H., Witek M. (2018) Ant communities and Solidago plant invasion: Environmental properties and food sources. ENTOMOLOGICAL SCIENCES.

Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Barbero F., Dapporto L., Sbordoni V., Scalercio S., Zilli A., Battistoni A., Teofili C., Rondinini C., Balletto E., (2018). The first red list of Italian butterflies. INSECT CONSERVATION AND DIVERSITY.

de Assis R.A., dos Santos Cecconello M., Casacci L.P., Barbero F., de Assis, L.M.E., Venturino E. and Bonelli S. (2017) A theory and a mathematical model for the evolution of single and multiple host behavior in a parasite-host system (Maculinea-Myrmica). ECOLOGICAL COMPLEXITY.

Dapporto, L., Cini, A., Menchetti, M., Vodă, R., Bonelli, S., Casacci, L.P., Dincă, V., Scalercio, S., Hinojosa, J.C., Biermann, H. and Forbicioni, L., 2017. Rise and fall of island butterfly diversity: Understanding genetic differentiation and extinction in a highly diverse archipelago. DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS, 23(10), pp.1169-1181.

Csata E. 1, Timuş N. 1, Witek M. 1, Casacci L.P. 1, Lucas C., Bagnères A.G., Sztencel-Jabłonka A., Barbero F., Bonelli S., Rákosy L. and Markó B., (2017). Lock-picks: fungal infection facilitates the intrusion of strangers into ant colonies. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 7. (1 first authors)

Schönrogge K., Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Settele J., Thomas J.A. (2017) Acoustic communication within ant societies and its mimicry by mutualistic and socially parasitic myrmecophiles. ANIMAL BEHAVIOR, doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2016.10.031.

Riva F., Barbero F., Bonelli S., Balletto E., Casacci L. P. (2016). The acoustic repertoire of lycaenid butterfly larvae. BIOACOUSTICS, 1-14.

Patricelli D., Barbero F., Occhipinti A., Bertea C.M., Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Zebelo S.A., Crocoll C., Gershenzon J., Maffei M.E., Thomas J.A., Balletto E. (2015) Plant defenses against ants provide a pathway to social parasitism in butterflies. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON B: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 282:1-9, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2015.1111.

Barbero F. and Casacci L.P. (2015) Butterflies that trick ants with sound. PHYSICS TODAY, 68.4: 64-65.

Bonelli S., Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Cerrato C. and Balletto E. (2015) The butterfly fauna of the Italian maritime alps: results of the «edit» project. ZOOSYSTEMA, 37(1), 139-167.

Bonelli S., Barbero F., Casacci L.P., and Balletto E. (2015) Habitat preferences of Papilio alexanor: implications for habitat management in the italian maritime alps. ZOOSYSTEMA, 37.1: 169-177.

Casacci L.P., Cerrato C., Barbero F., Bosso L., Ghidotti S., Paveto M., Pesce M., Plazio E., Panizza G., Balletto E., Viterbi R., Bonelli S. (2015) Dispersal and connectivity effects at different altitudes in the Euphydryas aurinia complex. JOURNAL OF INSECT CONSERVATION, doi: 10.1007/s10841-014-9715-8.

Sala M., Casacci L.P.*, Balletto E., Bonelli S., Barbero F. (2014) Variation in Butterfly Larval Acoustics as a Strategy to Infiltrate and Exploit Host Ant Colony Resources. PLOSONE 9.4 (2014): e94341. (* corresponding author)

Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Balletto E., & Bonelli, S. (2014). Breaking the acoustical code of ants: The social parasite’s pathway. THE JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, 36(4), 2184-2184.

Carlos A.A., Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Bonelli S. & Bueno O.C. (2014). Bioacoustics of Trachymyrmex fuscus, Trachymyrmex tucumanus, and Atta sexdens rubropilosa (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). THE JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, 136(4), 2074-2074.

Casacci L.P., Barbero F., & Balletto E. (2013). The “Evolutionarily Significant Unit” concept and its applicability in biological conservation. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, 1-12.

Witek M., Casacci L.P., Barbero F., Patricelli D., Sala M., Bossi S., Maffei M., Woyciechowski M., Balletto E., Bonelli S. Interspecific relationships in sympatric populations of ant social parasites (2013) BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY 109(3), 699-709.

Casacci L.P., Thomas J.A., Sala M., Treanor D., Bonelli S., Balletto E., Schonrogge K. (2013) Ant pupae employ acoustics to communicate social status in their colony’s hierarchy. CURRENT BIOLOGY, Vol. 23, pp. 323–327.

Abreu de Assis R., Bonelli S., Witek M., Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Balletto E., Venturino E., Castro Ferreira W. (2012) A model for the evolution of parasite-host interactions based on the Maculinea-Myrmica system: numerical simulations and multiple host behavior, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS: REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS (ISSN:1468-1218) , Vol. 13, pp. 1507- 1524.

Patricelli D., Barbero F., La Morgia V., Casacci L.P., Witek M., Balletto E., Bonelli S. (2011). To lay or not to lay: oviposition of Maculinea arion in relation to Myrmica ant presence and host plant phenology. ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, Vol. 82; pp. 791-799.

Casacci L.P., Witek M., Barbero F., Patricelli D., Solazzo G., Balletto E., Bonelli S. (2011). Habitat preferences of Maculinea arion and its Myrmica host ants: implications for habitat management in Italian Alps. JOURNAL OF INSECT CONSERVATION, vol. 15; pp. 103-110.

Witek M., Patricelli D., Casacci L.P., Barbero F., Balletto E., Bonelli S., (2011). Notes on the biology and host ant specificity of the myrmecophilous syrphid fly Microdon major (Diptera: Syrphidae), a social parasite of Formica ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). SOCIOBIOLOGY, vol. 57; pp. 261-269.

Patricelli D., Witek M., Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Bonelli S., Balletto E., (2010) - Evidence of high larval host ant specificity in the first post-adoption phase for the myrmecophilous butterfly Phengaris (Maculinea) nausithous (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). SOCIOBIOLOGY, Vol. 55, pp. 861- 870.

Sielezniew M., Patricelli D., Dziekańska I., Barbero F., Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Witek M., Balletto E., (2010) - The first record of Myrmica lonae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as a host of the socially parasitic Large Blue Butterfly Phengaris (Maculinea) arion (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). SOCIOBIOLOGY, Vol. 56 (2), pp. 465-475.


Balletto E., Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Chakira H., Dafiné A., Ouledi A. (2015) Les papillons diurnes des Îles Comores/The butterflies of the Comoros. PENSOFT, ISBN 978-954-642-754-0

Book chapters:

Bonelli S., Cerrato C., Bordignon L., Lai V., Ripetta S., Vovlas A., Patricelli D., Witek M., Barbero F., Sala M., Casacci L.P., Balletto E. (2012) Le farfalle come bioindicatori: revisione e casi di studio. BIOLOGIA AMBIENTALE (ISSN:1129-504X), Vol. 26(2), pp. 59-67 (in Italian)

Barbero F., Patricelli D., Witek M., Balletto E., Casacci L.P., Sala M., Bonelli S. (2012) Myrmica ants and their butterfly parasites with special focus on the acoustic communication, PSYCHE (ISSN:0033-2615), pp. 1- 11, Vol. 2012.

Bonelli S., Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Cerrato C., Patricelli D., Sala M., Vovlas A., Witek M., Balletto E. (2011) Butterfly Diversity in a Changing Scenario. In: O. Grillo. CHANGING DIVERSITY IN CHANGING ENVIRONMENT: 99-132, Belgrado: INTECH Open Access Publisher.

Bonelli S., Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Balletto E. (2009) - Evolution of host-parasite interactions in the Maculinea vs. Myrmica system, in Casellato Sandra, LIFE AND TIME: THE EVOLUTION OF LIFE AND ITS HISTORY, Casellato S., Burighel P., Minelli A., Padova, pp. 7- 23.

Other publications:

Hamada C., Tufail A.W., Casacci L.P., Hua H.X., Yue Ping He, Juma M., Elyamine A.M., Ouledi A., Balletto E. (2015) The butterflies of Ngazidja and their main habitats significances. JOURNAL OF BIODIVERSITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, 7(6): 10-22

Balletto E., Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Cerrato C., Patricelli D., Bonelli S., (2009) – The impact of climate change on Italian butterflies, STUDI TRENTINI DI SCIENZE NATURALI , pp. 2- 6,  Vol. 86 (in Italian)

Participation at Congresses:

Butterfly Conservation’s 8th International Symposium – 06-08.04.2018, Southampton (United Kingdom)

  • Casacci L.P., Zaccagno M., Wanderlingh A.A., Clerico S., Bonelli S., Friard O., Fiedler K., Barbero F. Evolution of acoustic signals in lycaenid-ant interactions (Poster)
  • Casacci L.P., Chiadò Caponet M., Dapporto L., Vila R., Vodă R., Dincă V., Čelik T., Dolek M., Sielezniew M., Balletto E., Meregalli M., Bonelli S. Is Euphydryas italica a new species for italy? (Oral)

7th Central European Workshop of Myrmecology – 22-23.04.2017, Krakow (Poland)

  • Csata E., Keresztes K.K., Casacci L.P., Heize J., Ruther J., Markò B. The interference of an ectoparasitic fungus with kin-non-kin discrimination abilities in ants (Oral)
  • Casacci L.P., Bonelli S., Balletto E., Barbero F. Maculinea butterflies evolved two distinct chemical strategies to integrate within host ant colonies (Poster)

1st International Symposium on Biotremology – 5-7.07.2016, San Michele all’Adige (Italy)

  • Riva F., Barbero F., Bonelli S., Balletto E., Casacci LP. Evolution of lycaenid vibroacoustic signals (Oral)

Ant interactions with fungi, microbes, other insects, and plants - Insights from integrative approaches – 5-7.05.2016, Munich (Germany)

  • Csata E., Witek M., Casacci L.P., Markó B. Infiltration chances for ‘others’: how fungal infection shapes ant societies (Oral)

Future of Butterflies in Europe IV – 31.03-02.04.2016, Wageningen (Netherlands)

  • Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Barbero F., Cerrato C., Toffoli R., Balletto E. The effect of management and environmental matrix on butterfly diversity in Natura 2000 farmlands (Oral)
  • Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Barbero F., Dapporto L., Sbordoni V., Scalercio S., Zilli A., Battistoni A., Teofili C., Rondinini C., Balletto E. A Red List of Italian Butterflies (Poster)
  • Dapporto L., Cini A., Menchetti M., Voda R., Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Dinca V., Scalercio S., Forbicioni L., Mazzantini U., Venturi L., Zanichelli F., Shreeve T., Balletto E., Dennis R., Vila R. – Coupling academia and society facilitates the discovery and protection of a multifaceted butterfly fauna on islands (Poster)
  • Ghidotti S, Casacci L.P., Cerrato C., Barbero F., Bosso L., Paveto M., Pesce M., Plazio E., Panizza G., Balletto E., Viterbi R., Bani L., Bonelli S. Habitat quality in the Euphydryas aurinia complex (Poster)

Workshop COST Action FA1405 "CAMo: from molecules to modeling" – 14-15.09.2015, Torino (Italy)

4th Central European Meeting of IUSSI – 26-29.03.2015, Lichtenfels (Germany)

  • Trigos Peral G., Babik H., Grześ I., Moroń D., Casacci L.P., Walter B., Ślipiński P., Witek M. Influence of goldenrod invasion on ant species diversity and colony life history traits (Oral)

BioButterfly, 7th International Conference on the Biology of Butterflies – 11-14.08.2014, Helsinki (Finland)

  • Casacci L.P., Cerrato C., Ghidotti S., Viterbi R., Plazio E., Pesce M., Bosso L., Paveto M., Barbero F., Bonelli S. – Dispersal abilities and habitat preferences of the Euphydryas aurinia complex (Poster)
  • Riva F., Barbero F., Bonelli S., Balletto E., Casacci L.P. – Evolutionary aspects of lycaenid acoustic emissions (Poster)

BCE, Butterfly Conservation's 7th International Symposium – 4-6.03.2014, Southampton (United Kingdom)

  • Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Cerrato C., Ghidotti S., Barbero F., Balletto E., Viterbi R. - Mobility dynamics, habitat preferences and conservation perspectives of the Euphydryas aurinia complex (Oral)
  • Paveto M., Pesce M., Plazio E., Bosso L., Panizza G., Casacci L.P., Barbero B., Bonelli S. e Balletto E. - Conservation status assessment of mediterranean populations of the Euphydryas aurinia complex (Poster)

3rd European Insect Science meeting – 6-9.11.2012, Ivrea (Italy)

  • Sala M., Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Di Giulio A., Maurizi E., Balletto E., Bonelli S. - Acoustic behaviour in myrmecophilous insects (Oral)
  • Barbero F., Patricelli D., Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Crocoll C., Zebelo S.A, Bertea C.M., Gershenzon J., Maffei M.E., Thomas J.A., Balletto E. - A social parasite exploits cues from the coevolutionary race between food plant and host ant (Oral)

JSPS Core-to-Core, Max Plank Institute for Chemical Ecology – 15-16.10. 2012, Jena (Germany)

  • Barbero F., Patricelli D., Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Crocoll C., Zebelo S.A, Bertea C.M., Gershenzon J., Maffei M.E., Thomas J.A., Balletto E. Ant-induced plant volatiles reveal host presence to a myrmecophilous parasite butterfly (Oral)

5th Congress of European Section of the IUSSI – 26-30.08. 2012, Firenze (Italy)

  • Casacci L.P., Bonelli S., Balletto E. Comparison of chemical deception strategies and acoustical mimetism between two social parasites of ants (Oral)
  • Witek M., Casacci L.P., Barbero F., Patricelli D., Sala M., Balletto E., Bonelli S. Temporal and spatial patterns of ant social parasite segregation (Oral)

ISCE, 28th Meeting of the International Society of Chemical Ecology – 22-26.07. 2012, Vilnius (Lithuania)

  • Casacci L.P., Bonelli S., Balletto E. Cuckoo versus predatory Maculinea butterfly species: distinct chemical integration strategies inside the host ant colonies (Poster)

Future of Butterflies in Europe III – 29-31.03 2012, Wageningen (Netherlands)

  • Bonelli S., Barbero F., Cerrato C., Casacci L.P., Loglisci N., Balletto E., Buffa G. 30 years changes in alpine butterfly communities (Oral)
  • Bonelli S., Ferrando S., Cerrato C.,Casacci L.P., Quirino M., Balletto E., Alliani N. Butterflies as bioindicators in agricultural landscapes? A case study from NW Italy (Poster)

IBAC - The XXIII meeting of the International Bioacoustics Council - 12-16.09.2011, La Rochelle (France)

  • Sala M., Casacci L.P., Barbero F., Balletto E., Bonelli S. Acoustic behaviour in butterfly social parasites: a comparison between cuckoo and predatory species (Oral)

BCE - Butterfly Conservation's 6th International Symposium – 25-28.03. 2010, Reading (United Kingdom)

  • Casacci L.P., Witek M., Barbero F., Patricelli D., Solazzo G., Balletto E., Bonelli S. Habitat preferences of Phengaris (Maculinea) arion and its Myrmica host ants: implications for habitat management in the Alps (Oral)
  • Fracastoro L., Casacci L.P., Cerrato C., Barbero F., Bonelli S., Balletto E. Shift in alpine butterfly communities along an altitudinal gradient (Poster)

ESEB 12th Congress – 24-29.08.2009, Torino (Italy)

  • Casacci L.P., Barbero F., Bonelli S., Balletto E. - Ant ecology and the evolution of their Maculinea social parasites (Poster)

SERL - 5th "Ecology and Behavior" Meeting – 6-10.04.2009, Lione (France)

  • Barbero F., Casacci L.P. - Multimodal communication in the butterfly social parasite of the genus Maculinea: the acoustical domain (Oral)
  • Casacci L.P., Barbero F. - Multimodal communication in the butterfly social parasite of the genus Maculinea: the chemical domain (Oral)

RES - Entomological Forum of the Royal Entomological Society – 4-5.02.2009, York (United Kingdom)

  • Casacci L.P., Bonelli S., Balletto E. - The chemical coevolution between a butterfly social parasite and its host ant (Oral)

UZI - 69° Congresso Nazionale Unione Zoologica Italiana – 22-25.09.2008, Senigallia (Italy)

  • Barbero F., Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Balletto E. - Parassitismo e comunicazione interspecifica nel complesso sistema Maculinea (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) (Oral)

17-18.04.2008, BCE - Future of Butteflies in Europe II – Wageningen (Netherlands)

  • Barbero F., Balletto E., Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Elmes G.W., Shonrogge K., Thomas J.A. - The acoustical communication in the myrmecophilous butterfly of the genus Maculinea (Oral)

UZI - 68° Congresso Nazionale Unione Zoologica Italiana – 24-27.09.2007, Lecce (Italy)

  • Balletto E., Barbero F., Bonelli S., Canterino S., Casacci L.P. Effetti dei cambiamenti climatici sulle estinzioni di popolazioni italiane di farfalle diurne e zigenidi (Oral)

BioButterfly, 5th International Conference on the Biology of Butterflies - 2-7.07.2007, Roma (Italy)

  • Barbero F., Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Schonrogge K., Elmes G.W., Balletto E., Thomas J.A. Relationship between Maculinea butterflies and Myrmica ants (Oral)
  • Casacci L.P., Barbero F., Bonelli S., Balletto E. - The host-specificity of Maculinea rebeli in Italy (Poster)
  • Bonelli S., Scalercio S., Casacci L.P., Canterino S., Balletto E. – Biology and conservation of Euphydryas maturna in Italy (Oral)

UZI - 67° Congresso Nazionale Unione Zoologica Italiana – 12-16.09.2006, Napoli (Italy)

  • Turchetto M., Gherlenda M., Camerin L., Moretto E., Casacci L.P., Bonelli S., Balletto E. La specificità del rapporto ospite parassita nei licenidi mirmecofili (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) (Poster)

Research abroad:

  • Institute of Zoology, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany (2017 – 2 weeks). Behavioural ecology of Myrmica ants and their parasitic fungus Rickia wasmannii.
  • Institute of Evolutionary Biology, Barcelona, Spain (2017 – 2 weeks). Conservation genetics of Euphydryas maturna in Italy (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae).
  • Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland (2016 - 3 weeks). Population genetics training.
  • Institute of Evolutionary Biology, Barcelona, Spain (2016 - 1 week). Conservation genetics of Euphydryas maturna in Italy (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae).
  • Research Institute on Insect Biology, Tours, France (2015 - 6 weeks). Chemical ecology of Myrmica ants and their parasitic fungus Rickia wasmannii.
  • Institute of Evolutionary Biology, Barcelona, Spain (2014 – 5 weeks). Philogeny of the genus Hipparchia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
  • University of Mahajanga (Madagascar) and Gran Comora (Comoros Islands), (2012 - 1 month). Member of the Committee for Thesis Dissertation for "International Master in Sustainable Biodiversity Management and Conservation".
  • Center for Ecology & Hydrology, Wallingford, United Kingdom (2011 - 1 month). Bioacoustics in ant societies.
  • Center for Ecology & Hydrology, Wallingford, United Kingdom (2010 - 3 months). Chemical ecology of Maculinae-Myrmica

Research interests

  • wintering of White-throated Dipper and Jack Snipe in northern Poland;
  • breeding biology and seasonal assemblies of Common Crane;
  • monitoring of birds in Poland;
  • methods of field work;
  • protection of birds and their habitats.

Selected publications

Sikora A., Neubauer G. 2008. Scandinavian and central European subspecies of White-throated Dipper Cinclus cinclus interbreed in an isolated population in northern Poland. Ornis Fennica 85: 73-81.

Sikora A. 2007. Gniazdowanie cennych gatunków ptaków na Wysoczyźnie Elbląskiej. [Breeding of valuable bird species in the Wysoczyzna Elblaska upland] Not. Orn. 48: 246-259.

Sikora A., Rohde Z., Gromadzki M., Neubauer G., Chylarecki P. (red.) 2007. Atlas rozmieszczenia ptaków lęgowych Polski 1985–2004. [The atlas of breeding birds of Poland 1985-2004]. Bogucki Wyd. Nauk., Poznań.

Sikora A., Dubiec A. 2007. Sex identification of Jack Snipe Lymnocryptes minimus by discriminant analysis of morphometric measurements. Ardea 95: 125-133.

Sikora A. 2005. Catching Jack Snipe with the dip-nets in non-breeding season. WSG Bulletin 107: 70-75.

Tulp I., Schekkerman H., Chylarecki P., Tomkovich P., Soloviev M., Bruinzeel L., van Dijk K., Hilden O., Hötker H., Kania W., van Roomen M., Sikora A., Summers R. 2002. Body mass patterns of Little Stints during incubation and chick-rearing at different latitudes. Ibis 144: 122-134.

Sikora A. 2001. Gniazdowanie czeczotki Carduelis flammea na polskim Pobrzeżu Bałtyku. [Breeding of the Redpoll Carduelis Carduelis flammea on the Polish Baltic coast] Not. Orn. 42: 73-88.

Sikora A., Maniakowski M. 2000. Zimowanie bekasika Lymnocryptes minimus w północnej i środkowej Polsce. [Wintering of the Jack Snipe Lymnocryptes minimus in northern and central Poland] Not. Orn. 41: 225-238.

Sikora A. 1996. Ekologia rozrodu szlachara (Mergus serrator) na Pojezierzu Kaszubskim. [Breeding ecology of the Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator) on the Pojezierze Kaszubskie lake district] Not. Orn. 37: 5-24.

Sikora A. 1994. Dalekodystansowy przelot środkowoeuropejskiego podgatunku pluszcza (Cinclus c. aquaticus) i jego lęg mieszany z podgatunkiem skandynawskim (C. c. cinclus) na północy Polski. [A long-distance passage of the Central European Dipper subspecies (Cinclus c. aquaticus) and its cross-breeding with the Scandinavian subspecies (Cinclus c. cinclus) in the north of Poland]. Not. Orn. 35: 182-185.

Sikora A. 1993. Występowanie skandynawskiego podgatunku pluszcza (Cinclus cinclus cinclus) w Polsce. [Occurrence of Scandinavian subspecies of the Dipper (Cinclus cinclus cinclus) in Poland] Not. Orn. 34: 213-230.

Research focus

I’m interested in natural and sexual selection & phenomenon of hybridization. Recently I have focused on the MHC gene complex and its wide connections with adaptive traits, survival and mating performance in bird species. My model species: Herring Gull complex Larus argentatus sensu lato, Collared Flycatcher Ficedula albicollis, Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo.


2007- 2010 Research Grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education POL-POSTDOC III “The influence of the MHC genes polymorphism on adaptive traits in Collared Flycatcher  Ficedula albicollis”; Nr ZB/MNiSW/07/2006/14. Conducted at the Jagiellonian University, Institute of Environmental Sciences; principal investigator with the cooperation of prof. J. Radwan & prof. M. Cichoń

2006-2009 Research Grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education “The role of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) in mate choice in the colonial gull species”; Nr N304 073 31/2805. Principal investigator; other investigators- dr. Grzegorz Neubauer

Participation in fallowing projects

2008-2011 Research Grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education “The influence of helminth parasites on the survival, growth and condition of the cormorant chicks Phalacrocorax carbo”; Nr N N304 081035. Principal investigator- dr Gerard Kanarek, Ornithological Station, Museum and Institute of Zoology, Gdansk; other investigators- dr Andrzej Kruszewicz, dr M. Zagalska-Neubauer

2008-2010 Research Grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education “The role of extrapair mating in maintenance of reproductive isolation in the Herring and Caspian Gulls hybrid zone”; Nr N N304 339334. Principal investigator- dr Grzegorz Neubauer, Ornithological Station, Museum and Institute of Zoology, Gdansk; other investigators- dr M. Zagalska-Neubauer

2004-2005 Polish-French bilateral program Polonium, The Ministry of Science and Higher Education ‘Hybridization in large white-headed gulls of the Larus argentatus-cachinnans-michahellis complex: biometric and genetic analysis of mid-polish population. In cooperation with Department of Vertebrate Zoology/ Ornithological Station PAS (dr. G. Neubauer-PI, dr. M. Zagalska-Neubauer) & CEFE CNRS, Montpellier, France (dr. L. Gay-PI, dr. J.-M. Pons, dr. P.-A. Crochet)

Selected publications 

Neubauer G., Zagalska-Neubauer M., Pons J.-M., Crochet P.-A., Chylarecki P., Przystalski A., Gay L. 2009. Assortative Mating Without Complete Reproductive Isolation in a Zone of Recent Secondary Contact between Herring Gulls (Larus argentatus) and Caspian Gulls (L. cachinnans). Auk 126: 409-419.
Gay L., Neubauer G., Zagalska-Neubauer M., Pons J.-M., Bell D. A., Crochet P.-A. 2009. Speciation with gene flow in the large white-headed gulls: does selection counterbalance introgression? Heredity 102: 133-146
Gay L., Neubauer G., Zagalska-Neubauer M., Pons J.-M., David P. & Crochet P.-A. 2007. Molecular and morphological patterns of introgression between two white-headed gull species in a zone of recent secondary contact. Molecular Ecology 16: 3215-3227.
Neubauer G., Zagalska-Neubauer M., Betleja J., 2007. Origin of Caspian Gulls Larus cachinnans breeding in Poland. Brit. Birds 100: 554-557.
Zagalska-Neubauer M., Dubiec A. 2007. Techniki i markery molekularne w badaniach zmienności genetycznej ptaków. Not. Orn. 48:193-206.
Dubiec A., Zagalska-Neubauer M. 2006. Molecular techniques for sex identification in birds. Biological Letters 43:3-12.
Neubauer G., Zagalska-Neubauer M. 2006. Dymorfizm płciowy i oznaczanie płci w grupie mewy srebrzystej Larus argentatus na podstawie pomiarów biometrycznych. Not. Orn. 47: 185-191.
Neubauer G., Zagalska-Neubauer M., Gwiazda R., Faber M., Bukaciński D., Betleja J., Chylarecki P. 2006. Breeding large gulls in Poland: distribution,
numbers, trends and hybridization. Vogelwelt 127: 11-22.
Neubauer G., Faber M., Zagalska-Neubauer M. 2005. Występowanie mewy srebrzystej Larus argentatus, mewy białogłowej L. cachinnans i mewy romańskiej L. 
michahellis w środkowej Polsce w cyklu rocznym. Not. Orn. 46: 61-76.
Zagalska-Neubauer M. 2004. Wzrost liczebności mew z kompleksu mewy srebrzystej w Wielkopolsce w latach 1990-2001. Not. Orn. 45:159-168.

Main Research Interest

Ecology and soil zoology; ecology and taxonomy of Collembola.

Current projects

  • Biodiversity of Collembola in natural and changing biotops in Poland and Europe.
  • Collembola assemblages in river floodplains.
  • Soil fauna of restored fen-meadows
  • Collembola of the Eastern Carpathians
  • Diversity of soil fauna in the unique habitats of Poland and Czech Republic.

Selected publication


  • Sterzyńska M., Czechowski W. 1979. Soil fauna in the urban environment. Kosmos. ser. A. Biol. 28: 49-56.
  • Kasprzak K., Niedbała W., Sterzyńska M. 1979. State and structure of the soil fauna communities in the urban ecosystems. In: Conditions of the growth of trees and their fauna in Warsaw (ed. by Ogród Botaniczny PAN), Wrocław, 61-70.
  • Sterzyńska M. 1981. Springtails (Collembola). In: Zoocenological bases for designing natural environment of the housing estate Białołęka Dworska, Warsaw. Species composition and structure of the fauna of the designed housing estate area (ed. by H. Garbarczyk, R. Pisarska). Fragm. Faun. 26: 157-173.
  • Sterzyńska M. 1981. Communities of Collembola (Apterygota) in the urban green of different types. In: Entomology and national Economy (ed. by Z. Sierpinski, H. Sandner, Cz. Kania, W. Mikołajczyk). Warszawa: 283-289.
  • Sterzyńska M. 1982. Springtails (Collembola) of Warsaw and Mazovia. In: Species composition and origin of the fauna of Warsaw 3. (ed. by W. Czechowski, H. Garbarczyk, B. Pisarski, J. Sawoniewicz). Memorabilia Zool., 36: 217-234.
  • Sterzyńska M., Nowakowski E., 1985. Soil funa of the Arrhenatheretum medioeuropaeum meadow of the Mazovian Lowland. In: Soil fauna and soil fertility (ed. by B. R. Striganova), Moscov: 494-497.
  • Sterzynska M. 1986. Structure of springtail (Collembola) communities in urban green of Warsaw. In: Structure of the fauna of Warsaw; effects of the urban pressure on animal communities.2 (ed. by W. Czechowski, B. Pisarski). Memorabilia Zool. 42: 3-18.
  • Sterzyńska M. 1989. Collembola from urban areas (Warsaw, Poland). In: 3rd Int. Seminar on Apterygota (ed. by R. Dallai), Siena: 347-354.
  • Pisarski B., Pilipiuk I., Sterzyńska M. 1989. Structural changes of communities of the soil fauna in an urban environment - the example of Warsaw. MaB - Mitteilungen, Berlin 30: 71-83.


  • Bańkowska R., Chudzicka E., Nowakowski E., Sterzyńska M. 1989. Structure of the fauna of moist meadows on the Mazovian Lowland. Memorabilia Zool., 43: 415-448.
  • Sterzyńska M. 1990. Springtails (Collembola) of moist meadows on the Mazovian Lowland. Memorabilia Zool. 43: 61-81.
  • Sterzyńska M. 1990. Communities of Collembola in natural and transformed soils of the linden-oak-hornbeam sites of the Mazovian Lowland. Fragm. Faun. 34: 166-262.
  • Sterzyńska M. 1990. Wpływ mezofauny na żyzność gleby. Instytut Warzywnictwa - Skierniewice - Materiały z Seminarium nt. Przyczyny i zapobieganie degradacji gleb, Skierniewice, 24 października 1990: 18-21.
  • Pizl V., Sterzyńska M. 1991. The influence of urbanization on the earthworm infection by monocystid gregarines. Fragm. Faun. 35: 205-212.
  • Pawłowski J., Sterzyńska M. 1993. Waloryzacja i ochrona bezkręgowców bieszczadzkich. Roczniki Bieszczadzkie 2: 148-156.
  • Pawłowski J., Walasz K., Sura P., Sterzyńska M., Wytwer J., Palaczyk A., Dyduch A. 1993. Fauna. W: Turnicki Park Narodowy w polskich Karpatach Wschodnich - dokumentacja projektowa. Polska Fundacja Ochrony Przyrody Pro Natura. Kraków: 155-161
  • Sterzyńska M. (editor).1994. 4th SEMINAR ON APTERYGOTA, Białowieża, POLAND, 1994. In: Bulletin Entomologique de Pologne LXIV, fasc, 1-4, 1995, 420 pp.
  • Sterzyńska M., Ślepowroński A. 1994. Spiders (Aranei) of tree canopies in Polish pine forest. Fragm. Faun. 36: 486-500.
  • Sterzyńska M., Pilipiuk I. 1994. Distribution of heavy metals in Warsaw soils as factor affecting the soil biota. Memorabilia Zool., 49: 187-195.
  • Pawłowski J., Sterzyńska M. 1994. Cenne gatunki i zagrożone nisze lądowych bezkręgowców w polskiej części Karpat Wschodnich MRB „Karpaty Wschodnie”. Roczniki Bieszczadzkie 3: 58-74.
  • Trojan P., Bańkowska R., Chudzicka E., Pilipiuk I., Skibińska E., Sterzyńska M., Wytwer J. 1994. The succession of fauna in the Bialowieża primeval pine forest. Fragm. faun. 37: 1-104.
  • Sterzyńska M. 1995. Collembola of secondary succession of the pine forests of Puszcza Białowieska. Fragm. Faun., 37: 354-369.
  • Sterzyńska M. 1995. Changes in the comunity structure of Collembola during the secondary processes of succession in pine forest. Pol. Pismo Entomologiczne LXIX: 229-233.
  • Kuznetsova N., Sterzyńska M. 1995. Effects of single tree on the community structure of soil dwelling Collembola in urban and non-urban environments. Fragm. Faun., 37: 414-426.
  • Szeptycki A., Sterzyńska M. 1995. Protura of suboceanic and subcontinental (Peucedano-Pinetum and Leucobryo-Pinetum) pine forests in Poland. Fragm. Faun., 38: 210-221
  • Sterzyńska M., Kuznetsova N. 1995. The faunal complex of Collembola in lowland subcontinental pine forest (Peucedano-Pinetum) of Poland, Byelorussia, Lithuania and Russia. Fragm. Faun. 38: 146-153.
  • Sterzyńska M., Kuznetsova N. 1996. Comparative analysis of dominant species in springtail communities (Hexapoda: Collembola) of urban greens in Moscow and Warsaw. Fragm. Faun. 40: 16-26.
  • Khanislamova G., Sterzyńska M. Weiner W. 1997. Redescription of three species of the genus Stenaphorurella (Collembola, Onychiuridae, Tullberginae) Lucianez&Simon. Zoosystema 19: 503-514.
  • Bańkowska R., Sterzyńska M. 1997. Faunistic inestaigation conducted in North Korea by researches from the Institute of Zoology Polish Academy of Sciences from 1959 to 1990. Frag. Faun. 40: 247-253.
  • Ehrnsberger R., Sterzyńska M., Szeptycki A. 1997. Apterygota of North Sea salt-marsh - structure and stratyfication. Pedobiologia 41: 123-130.
  • Sterzyńska M., Ehrnsberger R. 1997. Marine algae wrack Collembola of european coasts. Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus. Görlitz 69: 165-178.
  • Sterzyńska M., Lee B-H, Trojan P.1997. Foreword. Fragm. Faun. 40.
  • Sterzyńska M., Lee B-H., Trojan P. (eds.) 1997. Fauna and Flora of the Korean Peninsula: Their Inventory, Systematics and Evolution in Perspective of Biodiversity Conservation. Fragm. Faun. 40, 140 pp.
  • Sterzyńska M., Ehrnsberger R. 1998. Collembola communities of different microhabitats of dunes (North Sea, Germany). In: Soil zoology in Central Europe. Tajovsky, K. & Pizl, V. (eds.): 215-222.
  • Sterzyńska M., Ehrnsberger R. 1998. Faunistische Bemerkungen zum Vorkommen von zwei Springschwanz-Arten (Collembola) in Sanddűnen an der Nordseekűste Deutschlands. Drosera 98 (1): 7-10.
  • Sterzyńska M., Dyrcz A., Gębczyńska Z., Lesiński G., Raczyński J., Romanowski J., Wiśniewolski W. 1998. Review on the faunistic study of the Biebrza National Park – bibliography. Fragm. Faun. 41: 213-232.
  • Sterzyńska M., Ehrnsberger R. 1999. Diversity and structure of Collembola communities in wetlands. In: Soil zoology in Central Europe. Tajovsky, K. & Pizl, V.  (eds.): 325-334.
  • Sterzyńska M., Pilipiuk I. 1999. Communitiesa of soil fauna (Enchyraeidae, Collembola) in Biebrza river basin. In: Soil zoology in Central Europe. Tajovsky, K. & Pizl, V. (eds.): 335-342.
  • Sterzyńska M., Ehrnsberger R. 2000. Archisotoma vareli sp. nov., a new species from Germany (Collembola Insecta). Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus. Görlitz, 72: 73-77.
  • Sterzyńska M., Ehrnsberger R. 2000. The distribution and diversity of Collembola in saltmarsh habitats of the German North Sea – a preliminary study. Pedobiologia, 402-412.
  • Sterzyńska M., Kapruś I. (2000). Wstępne badania nad skoczogonkami Collembola Bieszczadzkiego Parku Narodowego. Monografie Bieszczadzkie 7: 131-141.
  • 2001 – up to date
  • Sterzyńska M., Fjellberg A. (2001). Apterygota. Collembola, Protura In: Katalog Fauny Puszczy Białowieskiej (Gutowski J, Jaroszewicz), Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Warszawa, 84-85.
  • Sterzyńska M., Lesiński G. 2001. Resource assesment and a strategy for the protection of wetland fauna. In: L. Andersoson, R. Marciau, H. Paltto, B. Tardy, H. Read (eds.).Textbook 1.Tools for preserving Biodiversity in the nemoral and boreonemoral biomes of Europe. Education and Culture Leonardo da Vinci. NACONEX programme, Töreboda Tryckeri AB, Sweden, 70-75.
  • Sterzyńska M., Kapruś 2001. A new species of Isotomiella Bagnall, 1939 (Collembola, Isotomidae) from wetland areas of Poland. Ann. Zool. 51: 275-277. [PDF]
  • Sterzyńska M. 2002. Collembola of the hydrogenic soils of Biebrza River valley. In: Studies on Soil Fauna in Central Europe. Tajovský, K., Balik, V., Pižil V. (eds.): 207-212.
  • Skarżyski D., Pomorski J., Smolis A., Weiner W., Szeptycki A., Sławska M., Sterzyńska M. 2002. A check list of the Polish springtails (Insekta: Collembola). Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 71: 23-42.
  • Sterzyńska M. 2003. Ecoflood protection, management and restoration of wetland fauna of floodplain terraces in large lowland rivers (Poland). http://sggw.waw.pl/ecoflood
  • Sterzyńska M., Bolger 2004. Collembola of North Bull Island ­– new records for the Irish coast Fram. Faun. 47: 281-304
  • Sterzyńska M. 2004. Fauna lądowa. In: Przyroda Podlasia Narwiański Park Narodowy (H. Banaszuk, ed.) Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Białymstoku, Białystok, 281–304
  • Sterzyńska M., Lesiński G. 2004. Fauna Biebrzańskiego Parku Narodowego. Kręgowce, bezkręgowce. In: Kotlina Biebrzańska i Biebrzański Park Narodowy. Aktualny stan, walory, zagrożenia i potrzeby czynnej ochrony środowiska (H. Banaszuk, ed.): 438–455. Wydawnictwo Ekonomia i Środowisko, Białystok.
  • Sterzyńska M., Ehrnsberger R. 2005. Check list of Collembola in the Nature Reserve Stroomdalladschap Drentsche Aa Netherlands. In: Contributions to Soil Zoology in Central Europe I (K. Tajovský, J. Schlaghamerský i V. Pižl, eds.): 167–169. Institute of Soil Biology ASCR, České Budějovice.
  • Kapruś I, Sterzyńska M. 2005. Niche differentiation among epigeic Collembola in primeval Carpathian beech and ash forests in Uzhans’ky National Park (Ukraine). In: Contributions to Soil Zoology in Central Europe I (K. Tajovský, J. Schlaghamerský & V. Pižl, eds.): 47–51. Institute of Soil Biology ASCR, České Budějovice.
  • Sterzyńska M., Ehrnsberger R. 2005. Collembola assemblages of fen meadows in the nature reserve Stroomdallandschap Drentsche Aa (Netherlands) – the preliminary study. Osnabrücker Naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen 30/31: 137–144.
  • Sterzyńska M., Kapruś I., Ehrnsberger R. 2006. A new species of the genus Anurida Laboulbéne, 1865 from river floodplains of Poland (Collembola: Neanuridae). Annales Zoologici 56: 255–257 [PDF]
  • Sterzyńska M. 2007. Przerzutki (Microcoryphia). Fauna of Poland – characteristic and check list of species (In Bogdanowicz, E. Chudzicka, I. Pilipiuk i E. Skibińska, eds.): 277–278. Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS, Warszawa.
  • Sterzyńska M. 2007. Rybiki (Zygentoma). Fauna of Poland – characteristic and check list of species (In Bogdanowicz, E. Chudzicka, I. Pilipiuk i E. Skibińska, eds.): 399–400. Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS, Warszawa.
  • Sterzyńska M. 2007. Skrytoszczękie (Entognatha). Fauna of Poland – characteristic and check list of species (In: Bogdanowicz, E. Chudzicka, I. Pilipiuk i E. Skibińska, eds: 401. Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS, Warszawa.
  • Sterzyńska M. 2007. Widłogonki (Diplura). Fauna of Poland – characteristic and check list of species (In Bogdanowicz, E. Chudzicka, I. Pilipiuk i E. Skibińska, eds: 415–416. Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS, Warszawa.
  • Sterzyńska M., Pomorski R. J., Sławska M., Skarżyski D., Smolis A., Weiner W.M. 2007. Skoczogonki (Collembola). Fauna of Poland – characteristic and check list of species (In Bogdanowicz, E. Chudzicka, I. Pilipiuk i E. Skibińska, eds.): 401–415. Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS, Warszawa.  [PDF]
  • Sterzyńska M. 2007. Biodiversity of soil fauna in river floodplaine systems in Central Europe. International Symposium on Soil Biodiversity and Ecology (M.W. Wang i Y.S. Lin, red.): 348–368. Biodiversity Research Center National Taiwan University.

Main scientific interests

Demography of avian populations
Avian migrations and stopover
Natural hybridization and reproductive barriers (study species - large white headed gulls)
Behavioural ecology
Monitoring of avian populations - theory and application

Current research projects

Stay or depart? Factors affecting individual choice at stopover site during autumn migration, based on the example of Dunlin (Calidris alpina).


Past research projects


Hybridization in gulls of the Larus argentatus-cachinnans-fuscus group: a case study in mixed populations in European Russia. International project of Polish Ministry of Science, in cooperation with Pedagogical State University in Ivanovo, Russia [ 2009-2011 ]


The role of extra-pair paternity in shaping reproductive isolation in a hybrid zone - a case study of herring and caspian gulls [ 2008-2010 ]

Selected publications

  • Neubauer G., Nowicki P., Zagalska-Neubauer M. 2014. Haldane's rule revisited: do hybrid females have a shorter lifespan? Survival of hybrids in a recent contact zone between two large gull species. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27:1248-1255
  • Ledwoń M., Betleja J., Stawarczyk T., Neubauer G. 2014. The Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida expansion in Poland: the role of immigration. Journal of Ornithology 155:459-470
  • Neubauer G., Sikora A. 2013. Detection probability of the Collared Flycatcher Ficedula albicollis during quick, multiple surveys: a case study in an isolated population in northern Poland. Ornis Fennica 90:211-221
  • Ledwoń M., Neubauer G., Betleja J. 2013. Adult and pre-breeding survival estimates of the Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida breeding in southern Poland. Journal of Ornithology 154:633-643
  • Zagalska-Neubauer M., Neubauer G. 2012. Reproductive performance and changes in relative species abundance in a mixed colony of Herring and Caspian Gulls, Larus argentatus and L.  cachinnansActa Ornithologica 47:185-194
  • Neubauer G., Zieliński P., Wojciechowski Z., Buszkiewicz E., Siekiera J., Siekiera A. 2012. Leaving on migration: estimating departure dates of Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica from summer roosts using a capture-mark-recapture approach. Bird Study 59:144-154
  • Gibbins C.M., Neubauer G., Small B. 2011. Identification of Caspian Gull. Part 2: phenotypic variability and the field characteristics of hybrids. British Birds 104:702-742 
  • Gwiazda R., Bukaciński D., Neubauer G., Faber M., Betleja J., Zagalska-Neubauer M., Bukacińska M., Chylarecki P. 2011. Diet composition of the Caspian Gull (Larus cachinnans) in inland Poland: effects of breeding area, breeding stage and sympatric breeding with the Herring Gull (Larus argentatus). Ornis Fennica 88:80-89
  • Lenda M., Zagalska-Neubauer M., Neubauer G., Skórka P. 2010. Do invasive species undergo metapopulation dynamics? A case study of the invasive Caspian Gull, Larus cachinnans, in Poland. Journal of Biogeography 37:1824-1834
  • Neubauer G., Faber M., Zagalska-Neubauer M. 2010. Yellow-legged Gull in Poland: status and separation from yellow-legged Herring Gull and hybrids. Dutch Birding 32:163-170
  • Neubauer G.,  Zagalska-Neubauer M. M., Pons J.-M., Crochet P.-A., Chylarecki P., Przystalski A., Gay L. 2009. Assortative mating without complete reproductive isolation in a zone of recent secondary contact between Herring Gulls (Larus argentatus) and Caspian Gulls (L. cachinnans). Auk 126:409-419
  • Gay L., Neubauer G., Zagalska-Neubauer M., Pons J.-M., Bell D. A., Crochet P.-A. 2009. Speciation with gene flow in the large white-headed gulls: does selection counterbalance introgression? Heredity 102:133-146
  • Sikora A., Neubauer G. 2008. Scandinavian and central European subspecies of White-throated Dipper Cinclus cinclus interbreed in an isolated population in northern Poland. Ornis Fennica 85:73-81
  • Sikora A., Rohde Z., Gromadzki M., Neubauer G., Chylarecki P. 2007. The Atlas of breeding birds in Poland 1985-2004. Bogucki Wyd. Nauk, Poznań. [in Polish]
  • Neubauer G., Zagalska-Neubauer M., Betleja J. 2007. Origin of Caspian Gulls Larus cachinnans breeding in Poland. British Birds 100:554-557
  • Gay L., Neubauer G., Zagalska-Neubauer M., Pons J.-M., David P. & Crochet P.-A. 2007. Molecular and morphological patterns of introgression between two white-headed gull species in a zone of recent secondary contact. Molecular Ecology 16:3215-3227
  • Neubauer G., Zagalska-Neubauer M., Gwiazda R., Faber M., Bukaciński D., Betleja J., Chylarecki P. 2006. Breeding large gulls in Poland: distribution, numbers, trends and hybridisation. Vogelwelt 127:11-22


(most available as pdfs from GN upon request: grechuta (at) miiz.waw.pl)


Main research interests

- systematic, taxonomy, palaeontology, evolution, zoogeography of ants (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Formicidae), predominately of the Eurasia

Ongoing research project

- monographic revision of the ant genus Myrmica of the Old World
- revision of the ants pf the East Europe


Selected publications:

in total, author and co-author of more than 170 papers and monographs

Czechowski W., Radchenko A. and Czechowska W. 2002.The ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of Poland. – Warsaw, MIZ, 2002, 200 pp. 

Radchenko A., Czechowska W., Czechowski W. 2004. Mrówki – Formicidae. Klucze do Oznaczania Owadów Polski Część XXIV, zeszyt. 63. Polskie Towarzystwo Entomologiczne, Toruń, 138 pp.

Radchenko A. 2005. Monographic revision of the ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of North Korea. Annales Zoologici, 55(2): 127-221.

Radchenko A. 2007. Fauna Europea: Formicidae. In: Noyes J (Ed.): Fauna Europea: Hymenoptera: Apocrita. – Fauna Europea version 1.3, http://www.faunaeur.org, accesed on 15 May 2007.

Radchenko A. G. 1989. The ants of the genus Chalepoxenus Menozzi in the fauna of the USSR. Vestnik Zologii, 2: 37-41.  

Dlussky G. M. and Radchenko A. G. 1990. The ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of Vietnam. Communication 1. Introduction. Subfamily Pseudomyrmecinae. Subfamily Myrmicinae. Tribes Calyptomyrmecini, Meranoplini and Cataulacini. Novosti faunistiki i sistematiki, Kiev, Naaulova Dumka, p. 119-125. 

Radchenko A. G. 1991. The ants of the genus Strongylognathus Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the fauna of USSR. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 70 (10): 84-90.

Radchenko A. G. 1992. The ants of the genus Tetramorium Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the fauna of USSR. 1. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 71 (8): 39-49.  

Radchenko A. G. 1992. The ants of the genus Tetramorium Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the fauna of USSR. 2. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 71 (8): 50-58.

Radchenko A. G. 1993. New ants of the subfamily Cerapachyinae from Vietnam . Journal of the Ukrainian Entomological Society, 1 (1): 43-47. 

Radchenko A. G. 1993. Ants from Vietnam in the collection of the Institute of Zoology PAS, Warsaw. I. Subfam. Pseudomyrmecinae, Dolichoderinae, Ponerinae. Annales Zoologici, 44 (7): 75-82.

Radchenko A. G. 1994 (1993). New species of the Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Southern and Eastern Palaearctic. Journal of the Ukrainian Entomological Society, 1(2): 23–34.

Radchenko A. G. 1994. Taxonomic structure of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of Eurasia. Communication 1. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 73(6): 39–51. 

Dlussky G. M. and Radchenko A. G. 1994. The ants of the genus Diplorhoptrum Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the Central and Eastern Palaearctic. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 73 (2): 102-111.  

Radchenko A. G. 1994. A key to species of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the central and eastern Palaearctic region. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 73 (7/8): 130-145. 

Radchenko A. G. 1994. A Key for the identification of the genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the Central and Eastern Palaearctic. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 73 (7–8): 146–158. 

Radchenko A. G. 1994. A review of species of Myrmica belonging to the group of scabrinodis (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Central and Eastern Palaearctic. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 73 (9): 75-82. 

Radchenko A. G. 1994. A review of species of Myrmica belonging to the groups of rubra, rugosa, arnoldii, luteola and schencki (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Central and Eastern Palaearctic. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 73 (11): 122–132.

Radchenko A. G. 1994. A review of species of Myrmica belonging to the group of lobicornis (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Central and Eastern Palaearctic. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 73 (11): 81–92. 

Radchenko A. G. New Palaearctic species of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Memorabilia Zoologica, 48: 207-217.  

Radchenko A. G. 1995 (1994). A taxonomic review of the genus Leptothorax Mayr Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the Central and Eastern Palaearctic. Communication 1. Division to the species-groups. Acervorum and bulgaricus-groups. Vestnik Zoologii, 6: 22–28.

Radchenko A. G. 1995. A taxonomic review of the genus Leptothorax Mayr Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the Central and Eastern Palaearctic. Communication 2. Tuberum, corticalis, affinis, clypeatus and singularis-groups. Vestnik Zoologii, 2: 14–21. 

Radchenko A. G. 1995. Palaearctic ants of the genus Cardiocondyla Emery (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 74 (2): 447-455.  

Radchenko, A. G. 1995. A taxonomic review of the genus Leptothorax Mayr Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the Central and Eastern Palaearctic. Communication 3. Nylanderi, korbi, nassonovi and susamyri groups. Vestnik Zoologii, 4: 3–11.

Radchenko A. G. 1996. A taxonomic review of the genus Leptothorax Mayr Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the Central and Eastern Palaearctic. Communication 4. Congruus group. Species incertae sedis. Zoogeographical characteristics. References. Vestnik Zoologii, 1-2: 16-22.

Radchenko A. G. 1996. The ants of the genus Plagiolepis Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the Central and Southern Palaearctic. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 75 (1): 178–187.

Radchenko A. G. 1996. A Key to ants of the genus Camponotus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Asian Palaearctic. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 75 (8): 1195–1203.

Radchenko A. G. 1997. A review of the Palaearctic ants of the genus Camponotus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Subgenus Camponotus s. str. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 76 (5): 554–564.

Radchenko A. G. 1997. A review of the ants of the subgenus Myrmentoma of the genus Camponotus Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the Asian part of the Palaearctic. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 76 (6): 703–711.

Radchenko A. G. 1997. A review of the ants of the subgenera Tanaemyrmex, Colobopsis, Myrmamblys, Myrmosericus, Orthonotomyrmex and Paramyrmamblis of the genus Camponotus Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the Asian part of the Palaearctic. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 76 (7): 806–815.

Radchenko A. G. 1997. Review of the ants of scabriceps group of the genus Monomorium Mayr ( Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Annales Zoologici, 46: 211-224.  

Radchenko A. G. 1997. Taxonomic review of the genus Cataglyphis Foerster (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of Asia. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 76 (2): 424-442.

Radchenko A. G., Czechowski W. and Czechowska W. 1997. The genus Myrmica Latreille (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in Poland – a survey of species and a key for their determination. Annales Zoologici, 47 (3/4): 481-500.

Radchenko A. G. and W. W. Elmes. 1998. Taxonomic revision of the ritae species-group of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Vestnik Zoologii, 4: 3-27.

Radchenko A. G., Czechowski W. and Czechowska W. 1998. The genus Tetramorium Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in Poland – a survey of species and a key for their identification. Annales Zoologici, 44: 107-118. 

Elmes G. W. and Radchenko A. G. 1998. Ants of the genus Myrmica from Taiwan (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Chinese Journal of Entomology, 18: 217-224.

Radchenko A. G. 1998. A Key for identification of the ant of the genus Cataglyphis Foerster (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of Asia. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 77 (2): 502-508.

Radchenko A., Czechowski W., Czechowska W. 1999. The tribe Formicoxenini (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in Poland – a taxonomic review and keys for identification. Annales Zoologici, 49 (1/2): 129-150.

Radchenko A. G., Elmes G. W. 1999. Ten new species of Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Himalaya. Vestnik Zoologii, 33 (3): 27-46.

Radchenko A. G., S. Zhou and G. W. Elmes. 2001. New and rare Myrmica species (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Southern China. Annales Zoologici, 51 (2): 211-219.

Radchenko A. G. and G. W. Elmes. 2001. First record of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Northern Vietnam, with a description of two new species. Annales Zoologici, 51 (2): 221-225.

Elmes G. W., Radchenko A. G. and Kim B-Y. 2001. Two new species of Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Korea. Korean Journal of Biological Sciences, 5: 107-112.

Radchenko A. G. and G. W.Elmes. 2001. Taxonomic revision of the Himalayan Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Entomologica Basiliensia, 23: 237-276.

Radchenko A. G. 2002 (2001). Phyylogeny and wais of origin of the fauna of th genus Cataglyphis (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 80 (4): 885-895.

Elmes G. W., A. Radchenko and N. Aktaç. 2002. Four new Myrmica species (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Turkey. Annales Zoologici, 52: 157-171.

Radchenko A. G. 2003 (2002). Possible ways of origin of the Palaearctic myrmecofauna (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Pryrodnychyi al'manakh. Ser. Biologichni nauky. Kherson, 2(3): 184–206.

Radchenko A. and G. W. Elmes. 2003. A taxonomic revision of the socially parasitic Myrmica ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of Palaearctic Region. Annales Zoologici, 53 (2): 217-243.

Radchenko A. 2003. Perissomyrmex nepalensis sp. n. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) – a new evidence of Old World origin of the genus. Entomologica Basiliensia, 25: 13-22.

Aktaç N., A. G. Radchenko and K. Kiran. 2004. On the taxonomy of the West Palaearctic Aenictinae ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Annales Zoologici, 54(2): 361-364.

Radchenko A. G. and G. W. Elmes. 2004. Taxonomic notes on the scabrinodis-group of Myrmica species (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) living in eastern Europe and western Asia, with a description of a new species from Tien Shan. Proceedings of the Russian Entomological Society, 75 (1): 222-233.

Radchenko A. G., H. Alipanah. 2004. Aenictinae – a new ant subfamily (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) for the Iranian fauna – Vestnik Zoologii, 38 (4): 75-78.

Radchenko A. 2004. A review of the ant genera Leptothorax Mayr and Temnothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the Eastern Palaearctic. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 50 (2): 109-137

Radchenko A. 2005. A review of the ants of the genus Lasius Fabricius, 1804, subgenus Dendrolasius Ruzsky, 1912 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from East Palaearctic. Annales Zoologici, 55(1): 83-94.

Dlussky G. and A. Radchenko. 2006. Fallomyrma gen. nov., a new myrmicine ant genus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from the Late Eocene European amber. Annales Zoologici, 56 (1): 153-157.

Dlussky G. and A. Radchenko. 2006. New ant genus from the Late Eocene European Amber. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 51(3): 561-567.

Radchenko A., Elmes G. W. and Alicata A. Taxonomic revision of the schencki-group of the ant genus Myrmica Latreille (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Palaearctic region. Annales Zoologici, 56 (3): 499-538. 

Radchenko A., Elmes G. W. and B. T. Viet. 2006. Ants of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Vietnam, with a description of a new species. – Myrmecologische Nachrichten, 8: 35-44.

Schulz R., Radchenko A. and Seifert B. 2006. A critical checklist of the ants of Kyrgyzstan (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Myrmecologische Nachrichten, 8: 201-208.

Csősz S., Radchenko A. and Schulz A. 2007. Taxonomic revision of the Palaearctic Tetramorium chefketi species-complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Zootaxa, 1405: 1-38.

Pfeiffer M., R. Schultz, A. Radchenko, S. Yamane, M. Woyciechowski, A. Ulykpan and B. Seifert. 2007 (2006). A critical checklist of the ants of Mongolia (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Bonner zoologische Beiträge, 55 (1): 1-8.

Radchenko A. 2007. Zoogeography of the East Palaearctic ants, with a special consideration of Korean Peninsula. Proceedings of the International Symposium Commemorating the Inauguration of the National Institute of Biological Resources, October 11-12 2007, Incheon, Republic of Korea, p. 104-120.

Radchenko A, Dlussky G. and G. W. Elmes. 2007. The ants of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Baltic and Saxonian Amber (Late Eocene). Journal of Paleontology, 81(6): 1491-1501.

Paknia O., A. Radchenko, H. Alipanah and M. Pfeiffer. 2008. A preliminary checklist of the ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Iran. Myrmecological News, 11: 151-159.

Radchenko A., Zhou Sh., Elmes G. W. and F. Rigato. 2008. Seven new Myrmica species (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from China. – Annales Zoologici, 58(4): 767-784.

Jansen G. and A. Radchenko. 2009. Myrmica specioides Bondroit – a new invasive ant 
species in the USA? – Biological Invasions, 11: 253-256.

Radchenko A. and G. W. Elmes. 2009. Taxonomic revision of the pachei species-group of the genus Myrmica Latreille (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Annales Zoologici, 59 (1): 67-92.

Main research interests

- helmithology, with a special emphasis on taxonomy and ecology of helminth fauna of birds;

- evolutionary ecology of parasitism.


Current research projects

- taxonomy and ecology of helminth fauna of great cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo from north-eastern Poland;

- effects of helminth parasites on survival, growth rate and condition of great cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo chicks;

- helminth fauna of mallard, Anas platyrhynchos from Vistula Lagoon.


Selected publications

 G. Kanarek, J. Sitko, L. Rolbiecki, J. Rokicki. 2003. Digenean fauna of the Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis (Blumenbach, 1798) in the brackisch waters of the Vistula Lagoon and the Gulf of Gdańsk. Wiadomości Parazytologiczne 49; 293-299.

 G. Kanarek, L. Rolbiecki, M. Misztal. 2005. Reighardia sternae (Diesing, 1864) – a pentastomid (Pentastomida) species new for the fauna of Poland. Fragmenta Faunistica 48; 101-106.

 G. Kanarek, J. Rokicki. 2005. The status of studies of the helminth fauna of the Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) in northern Poland. Wiadomości Parazytologiczne 51; 165.

 G. Kanarek, L. Rolbiecki, 2006. Syncuaria sqamata (Linstow, 1883) (Nematoda; Acuariidae) in the Great Cormorant [Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis (Blumenbach, 1798)] in northern Poland. Helminthologia 43; 33-36.

 G. Kanarek, L. Rolbiecki, 2006. Third-stage larvae of Anisakis simplex (Rudolphi, 1809) in the Great Cormorant [Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis (Blumenbach, 1798)] from the Vistula Lagoon, Poland. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 35; 23-28.

 L. Rolbiecki, G. Kanarek, M. Stachnik. 2007. Parvatrema affinis (Jameson et Nicoll, 1913) James, 1964 in the Baltic clam Macoma balthica (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in the Gulf of Gdańsk. Wiadomości Parazytologiczne 53; 25-27.

 G, Kanarek. 2009. The occurrence of Cyathostoma (Cyathostoma) microspiculum (Skrjabin, 1915) (Nematoda: Syngamidae) in the great cormorant [Phalacrocorax carbo (L., 1798)] in north-eastern Poland. Journal of Helminthology.

Selected publications


Czechowski W., Markó B., Godzińska E. 2009. Corpse carrying in ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): behavioural side effect of aggressive arousal or competitive signalling? Polish Journal of Ecology 57 (in press).
Czechowski W., Vepsäläinen K. 2009. Territory size of wood ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): a search for limits of existence of Formica polyctena Först., an inherently polygynic and polycalic species. Annales Zoologici, 59 (in press).


Czechowski W., Radchenko A., Ślipiński P. 2008. An unusual worker morph of Myrmica rugulosa Nyl. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). North-Western Journal of Zoology 4: 42-49.
Czechowski W. 2008. Around-nest ‘cemeteries’ of Myrmica schencki Em. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): their origin and a possible significance. Polish Journal of Ecology 56: 359-363.
Czechowski W., Ślipiński P. 2008. No Lasius platythorax Seifert (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the urban greenery of Warsaw? Polish Journal of Ecology 56: 541-544.
Suchocka H., Czechowski W., Radchenko A. 2008. Second report on the occurrence of Camponotus truncatus (Spinola) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Poland, with a key to the Polish species of the genus Camponotus Mayr. Fragmenta Faunistica 51: 9-13.
Czechowski W., Markó B., Radchenko A. 2008. Rubbish dumps reveal the diet of ant colonies: Myrmica schencki Em. and Myrmica rubra (L.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as facultative pollen-eaters. Polish Journal of Ecology 56: 737-741.


Czechowski W. 2007. Behavioural and socially parasitic relations between Polyergus rufescens (Latr.) and Formica polyctena Först. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologica Fennica 18: 54-64.
Czechowski W. 2007. Do Polyergus rufescens (Latr.) and Formica sanguinea Latr. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) share resources of slave species with each other? Polish Journal of Ecology 55: 169-173.
Czechowski W., Radchenko A. 2007. Do dependent foundresses of Formica pratensis Retz. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) need a ‘pass’ to be adopted by a host colony? Annales Zoologici 57: 319-324.
Czechowski W., Radchenko A., Czechowska W. 2007. Mermithid infestation strikingly alters the morphology of Myrmica rubra (L.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) workers: possible taxonomic involvements. Annales Zoologici 57: 325-330.
Czechowski W., Czechowska W. Radchenko A. 2007. Strikingly malformed host morphology: Myrmica rugulosa Nyl. and Myrmica sabuleti Mein. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) parasitised by mermithid nematodes. Fragmenta Faunistica, 50: 139-148.


Czechowski W. 2006. The route of Formica polyctena Först. as a factor promoting emancipation of Formica fusca L. slaves from colonies of Polyergus rufescens (Latr.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Polish Journal of Ecology 54: 159-162.
Czechowski W., Markó B. 2006. Uncomfortable protection: Formica polyctena Först. shelters Formica fusca L. from Formica sanguinea Latr. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Annales Zoologici 56: 539-548.
Czechowski W., Radchenko A. 2006. Formica lusatica Seifert, 1997 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), an ant species new to Finland, with notes on its biology and the description of males. Myrmecologishe Nachrichten 8: 257-262.
Czechowski W., Czechowska W. 2006. Succession of Lasius s. str. ant species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in moist pine forests – reassessment after taxonomic revisions of the subgenus. Fragmenta Faunistica 49: 91-97.


Czechowski W. 2005. Integration raids in the Amazon ant Polyergus rufescens (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Insectes Sociaux 52: 103-104.
Czechowski W., Czechowska W., Vepsäläinen K. 2005. Structure and succession of Lasius s. str. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) assemblages in a Finnish sand dune area – reassessment after taxonomic revisions of the subgenus. Entomologica Fennica 16: 2-8.
Czechowski W. 2005. Nest competition between Camponotus vagus (Scopoli, 1763) and Camponotus herculeanus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Białowieża Forest (Poland). Myrmecologische Nachrichen 7: 43-45.
Czechowski W., Markó B. 2005. Competition between Formica cinerea and co-occurring ant species, with special reference to Formica rufa L. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): direct and indirect interferences. Polish Journal of Ecology 53: 467-489.
Radchenko A., Czechowska W., Czechowski W., Antonova V., Stankiewicz A. 2005. Myrmica lacustris Ruzsky (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), a new ant species for Poland. Fragmenta Faunistica 48: 167-174.
Stankiewicz A. M., Sielezniew M., Borowiec M. L., Czechowski W. 2005. Formica uralensis Ruzsky (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Poland. Fragmenta Faunistica 48: 175-180.


CzechowskaW., Antonova V., Czechowski W. 2004. Further record of Formica glauca Ruzsky, 1895 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Poland. Fragmenta Faunistica, 47: 51-53.
Czechowska W., Czechowski W., Radchenko A. 2004. Myrmica vandeli Bondr. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Pieniny Mountains – the second record of this species for Poland. Fragmenta Faunistica, 47: 111-114.
Markó B., Czechowski W. 2004. Lasius psammophilus Seifert and Formica cinerea Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on sand dunes: conflicts and coexistence. Annales Zoologici, 54: 365-378.
Czechowski W. 2004. Scarcity of sites suitable for nesting promotes plesiobiosis in ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologica Fennica, 15: 211-218.
Radchenko A., Czechowska W., Czechowski W. 2004. Mrówki – Formicidae. Klucze do Oznaczania Owadów Polski, 24 (63). Polskie Towarzystwo Entomologiczne, Toruń, 138 pp.


Czechowska W., Czechowski W. 2003. Further record of Lasius neglectus Van Loon, Boomsma et Andrasfalvy (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) for Warsaw, with a key to the Polish species of the subgenus Lasius s. str. Fragmenta Faunistica, 46: 195-202.
Radchenko A., Elmes G. W., Czechowska W., Stankiewicz A., Czechowski W., Sielezniew M. 2003. First records of Myrmica vandeli Bondroit and M. tulinae Elmes, Radchenko et Actaç (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) for Poland, with a key for the scabrinodis- and sabuleti-complexes. Fragmenta Faunistica, 46: 47-57.


Czechowski W., Radchenko A., Czechowska W. 2002. The ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of Poland. MIZ PAN, Warszawa, 200 + 1 pp.
Czechowski W., Godzińska J. A., Kozłowski M. 2002. Rescue behaviour shown by workers of Formica sanguinea Latr., F. fusca L. and F. cinerea Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in response to their nestmates caught by an ant lion larva. Annales Zoologici, 52 : 423-431.


Czechowski W., Vepsäläinen K. 2001. Formica rufa L. indirectly protects F. fusca L. against F. sanguinea Latr. raids (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Annales Zoologici, 51: 113-119.
Czechowski W. 2001. Mixed colony of Formica pratensis Retz. + Formica cinerea Mayr + Formica sanguinea Latr. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) and its presumed origin. Annales Zoologici, 51: 205-209.


Czechowski W. 2000. Interference of territorial ant species in the course of raids of Formica sanguinea Latr. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Annales Zoologici, 50: 35-38.
Czechowski W., Czechowska W. 2000. Epimyrma ravouxi (André, 1896) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the Pieniny Mts – notes on its occurrence and biology. Fragmenta Faunistica, 43: 29-33.
Czechowski W., Czechowska W. 2000. Formica cinerea fuscocinerea For. in the Pieniny Mts – its untypical habitat and plesiobiosis with Lasius flavus (F.) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Fragmenta Faunistica, 43: 131-133.
Czechowski W., Radchenko A. 2000. Formica glauca Ruzsky, 1895 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) w Polsce. Fragmenta Faunistica, 43: 127-129.


Czechowski W., Czechowska W. 1999. New sites in Poland and notes on the biology of socially parasitic ants Formicoxenus nitidulus (Nyl.) and Harpagoxenus sublaevis (Nyl.) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Fragmenta Faunistica, 42: 1-6.
Czechowski W., Czechowska W. 1999. New data on the occurrence of ants of the subfamily Ponerinae (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in Poland. Fragmenta Faunistica, 42: 7-10.
Czechowski W. 1999. Lasius fuliginosus (Latr.) on a sandy dune – its living conditions and interference during raids of Formica sanguinea Latr. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Annales Zoologici, 49: 117-123.
Czechowski W., Vepsäläinen K. 1999. Plesiobiosis between Formica fusca L. and Formica aquilonia Yarr. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Annales Zoologici, 49: 125-127.
Radchenko A., Czechowski W., Czechowska W. 1999. The tribe Formicoxenini (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in Poland – a taxonomic review and keys for identification. Annales Zoologici, 49: 129-150.
Radchenko A., Czechowska W., Czechowski W., Siedlar E. 1999. Lasius niger (L.) and Lasius platythorax Seifert (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) – a revolution in Polish myrmecological faunistics and zoocoenology? Fragmenta Faunistica, 42: 103-113.
Radchenko A., Czechowska W., Czechowski W., Siedlar E. 1999. Four ant species, new to Poland, of the genus Lasius F. and new data on the occurrence of species recorded earlier (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Fragmenta Faunistica, 42: 115-121.
Czechowski W., Woyciechowski M., Czechowska W. 1999. Myrmica microrubra Seifert, 1993 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) – an inquiline ant species new to Poland. Fragmenta Faunistica, 42: 123-126.


Radchenko A., Czechowski W., Czechowska W. 1998. The genus Tetramorium Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in Poland – a survey of species and a key for their identification. Annales Zoologici, 48: 107-118.
Czechowska W., Radchenko A., Czechowski W. 1998. Ecological and taxonomic notes on Leptothorax nadigi Kutter, 1925 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) – an ant species new to Poland. Annales Zoologici, 48: 119-123.
Czechowski W., Yamauchi K. 1998. Plesiobiosis of Formica japonica Motsch. and Tetramorium sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Annals of the Upper Silesian Museum, 8/9: 99-101.
Czechowski W., Radchenko A., Czechowska W. 1998. Myrmica hellenica Finzi, 1926 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) – an ant species new to Poland. Annals of the Upper Silesian Museum, 8/9: 103-106.
Czechowski W. 1998. Raids of Formica sanguinea Latr. as a factor conducive to colony founding by Formica truncorum Fabr. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Annals of the Upper Silesian Museum, 8/9: 153-157.


Radchenko A., Czechowski W. 1997. Doronomyrmex kutteri (Buschinger, 1965) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) – a representative of a genus new to Poland. Fragmenta Faunistica, 40: 47-51.
Czechowski W., Rotkiewicz W. 1997. Common activities of female sexuals of Lasius umbratus (Nyl.) and Formica sanguinea Latr. or Polyergus rufescens (Latr.) on nests of the dulotic species (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Annales Zoologici, 47: 465-467.
Czechowski W., Rotkiewicz W. 1997. Relations between Formica sanguinea Latr. and Formica cinerea cinerea Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) – an unusual form of dulosis. Annales Zoologici, 47: 469-478.
Radchenko A., Czechowski W., Czechowska W. 1997. The genus Myrmica Latr. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in Poland – a survey of species and a key for their identification. Annales Zoologici, 47: 481-500.


Czechowski W., Douwes P. 1996. Morphometric characteristics of Formica polyctena Foerst. and Formica rufa L. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Gorce Mts; interspecific and intraspecific variations. Annales Zoologici, 46: 125-141.
Czechowski W. 1996. Mechanisms of emancipation of atypical slaves in nests of Formica sanguinea Latr. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). II. Queen replacement. Annals of the Upper Silesian Museum, Entomology, 7/8: 59-80.
Czechowski W. 1996. Colonies of hybrids and mixed colonies; interspecific nest takeover in wood ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Memorabilia Zoologica, 50: 1-116 + 20 pp.


Czechowski W., Pisarski B., Yamauchi K. 1995. Succession of ant communities (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in moist pine forests. Fragmenta Faunistica, 38: 447-488.


Czechowski W., Yamauchi K. 1994. Intraspecific relations in Cardiocondyla nuda (Mayr) (Hymenoptera, Formicoidea). Memorabilia Zoologica, 48: 39-54.
Pisarski B., Czechowski W. 1994. Ways to reproductive success of wood ant queens. Memorabilia Zoologica, 48: 181-186.
Yamauchi K., Czechowski W., Pisarski B. 1994. Multiple mating and queen adoption in the wood ant, Formica polyctena Foerst. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Memorabilia Zoologica, 48: 267-278. 
Czechowski W. 1994. Emancipation of slaves in Formica sanguinea Latr. colonies (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Annales Zoologici, 45: 15-26.
Czechowski W. 1994. Queen recruitment in an orphaned colony of Formica polyctena Latr. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Annales Zoologici, 45: 47-49. 
Czechowski W. 1994. Impact of atypical slaves on intraspecific relations in Formica sanguinea Latr. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Bulletin de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Classe Biologie, 42: 345-350.
Czechowski W. 1994. Mechanisms of emancipation of atypical slaves in nests of Formica sanguinea Latr. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). I. Elimination of the social parasite brood. Annals of the Upper Silesian Museum, Entomology, 5: 25-34.


Czechowski W. 1993. Replacement of species in red wood ant colonies (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Annales Zoologici, 44: 17-26.
Czechowski W. 1993. Mixed colonies of red wood ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Annales Zoologici, 44: 27-41.
Czechowski W. 1993. Hybrids in red wood ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Annales Zoologici, 44: 43-54.


Czechowski W., Pisarski B. 1992. Laboratory methods for rearing ants (Hymenoptera, Formicoidea). Memorabilia Zoologica, 45: 1-32 pp.


Pisarski B., Czechowski W. 1991. Ant communities (Hymenoptera, Formicoidea) of moist and wet deciduous forests of Central Europe. Fragmenta Faunistica, 35: 167-172.
Czechowski W. 1991. Comparison of the myrmecofaunas (Hymenoptera, Formicoidea) of tree stands and lawns in Warsaw parks. Fragmenta Faunistica, 35: 179-184.


Czechowski W., Pisarski B. 1990. Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicoidea) of the Vistula escarpment in Warsaw. Fragmenta Faunistica, 33: 109-128.
Czechowski W., Czechowska W., Palmowska A. 1990. Arboreal myrmecofauna of Warsaw parks. Fragmenta Faunistica, 34: 37-45.
Czechowski W, Pisarski B., Czechowska W. 1990. Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicoidea) of moist meadows on the Mazovian Lowland. Fragmenta Faunistica, 34: 47-60.
Czechowski W., Pisarski B. 1990. Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicoidea) of linden-oak-hornbeam forests and thermophilous oak forests of the Mazovian Lowland. 1. Nest density. Fragmenta Faunistica, 34: 133-141.
Pisarski B., Czechowski W. 1990. Modalites de colonisation des fourmis du grouppe Formica rufa au Parc National de Gorce (Pologne). Actes des Colloques Insectes Sociaux, 6: 237-242.
Pisarski B., Czechowski W. 1990. The course of artificial colonization of red wood ants in the Gorce National Park. Memorabilia Zoologica, 44: 37-46.
Czechowski W. 1990. Autonomization of slaves from mixed colonies of Formica sanguinea Latr. & F. polyctena Foerst. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Memorabilia Zoologica, 44: 55-63.
Czechowski W. 1990. A raid of Formica sanguinea Latr. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) on a conspecific colony. Memorabilia Zoologica, 44: 65-69.
Czechowski W. 1990. Intraspecific conflict in Formica exsecta Nyl. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Memorabilia Zoologica, 44: 71-81.
Czechowski W. 1990. Aggression of Formica aquilonia Yarr. to Camponotus ligniperdus (Latr.) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) under the conditions of artificial colonization. Memorabilia Zoologica, 44: 83-91.


Czechowski W. 1989. Functioning of a mixed colony of Formica sanguinea Latr. + F. polyctena Foerst. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) with a surplus of slaves. Annales Zoologici, 43: 103-126.


Czechowski W., Pisarski B. 1988. Inter- and intraspecific competitive relations in Camponotus ligniperdus (Latr.) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Annales Zoologici, 41: 355-381.


Czechowski W. 1985. Competition between Myrmica laevinodis Nyl. and Lasius niger (L.) (Hymenoptera, Formicoidea). Annales Zoologici, 39: 153-173.


Czechowski W. 1984. Tournaments and raids in Lasius niger (L.) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Annales Zoologici, 38: 81-91.
Czechowski W. 1984. Colony fission and intraspecific contests in Myrmica laevinodis Nyl. (Hymenoptera, Formicoidea). Annales Zoologici, 38: 99-109.


Czechowski W. 1979. Competition between Lasius niger (L.) and Myrmica rugulosa Nyl. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Annales Zoologici, 34: 437-451.


Pisarski B., Czechowski W. 1978. Influence de la pression urbaine sur la myrmecofaune. Memorabilia Zoologica, 29: 109-128.


Czechowski W. 1977. Recruitment signals and raids in slave-maker ants. Annales Zoologici, 34: 1-26.


Czechowski W. 1976. Competition between Formica exsecta Nyl. and Formica pressilabris Nyl. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Annales Zoologici, 33: 273-285.


Czechowski W. 1975. Mixed polycalic colony of Formica (Serviformica) cinerea Mayr and Polyergus rufescens Latr. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Annales Zoologici, 33: 67-76.
Czechowski W. 1975. Bionomics of Formica (Coptoformica) pressilabris Nyl. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Annales Zoologici, 33: 103-125.


Anna Dubiec



Research interests

My research interests focus on questions within the field of evolutionary ecology with a special emphasis on development and functioning of immune system and patterns and fitness consequences of infection with haemoparasites. I address these issues in natural populations of birds both experimentally and observationally using the array of physiological tests and molecular approach. My other research interests include reproductive strategies in birds, especially the occurrence of extra-pair paternity and sex allocation patterns. 



Recent publications:

Dubiec A., Da Silva A., Celej M. Low prevalence of haemosporidian and trypanosome infections in the Eurasian Nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus). Journal of Ornithology, in press.

Vriend S. J. G., Grøtan V., Gamelon M., et al. Temperature synchronizes temporal variation in laying dates across European hole-nesting passerines. Ecology, in press.

Bailey L. D., van de Pol M., Adriaensen F. et al. 2022. Bird populations most exposed to climate change are less sensitive to climatic variation. Nature Communications 13: 2112.

Arct A., Drobniak S. M., Dubiec A., Martyka R., Sudyka J., Gustafsson L. Cichoń M. 2022. The interactive effect of ambient temperature and brood size manipulation on nestling body mass in blue tits: an exploratory analysis of a long-term study. Frontiers in Zoology 19:9.

Arct A., Martyka R., Drobniak S. M., Oleś W., Dubiec A., Gustafsson L. 2022. Effects of elevated nest box temperature on incubation behaviour and offspring fitness-related traits in the collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis. Journal of Ornithology 163: 263–272.

Culina A., Adriaensen F., Bailey L. D., et al. 2021 Connecting the data landscape of long-term ecological studies: The SPI-Birds data hub. Journal of Animal Ecology 90: 2147–2160.

Corsini M, Schöll E. M., Di Lecce I., Chatelain M., Dubiec A., Szulkin M. 2021. Growing in the city: urban evolutionary ecology of avian growth rates. Evolutionary Applications 14: 69–84.

Maziarz M., Broughton R. K., Casacci L. P., Dubiec A., Maák I., Witek M.  2020. Thermal ecosystem engineering by songbirds promotes a symbiotic relationship with ants. Scientific Reports 10: 20330. 

Møller A. P., Balbontín J., Dhondt A. A., et al. 2020. Interaction of climate change with effects of conspecific and heterospecific density on reproduction. Oikos 129: 1807–1819.

Kubacka J., Podmokła E., Korb J., Dubiec A. 2020. Heterozygosity and fitness in a threatened songbird: blood parasite infection is explained by single-locus but not genome-wide effects. Journal of Ornithology 161: 803-817, doi: 10.1007/s10336-020-01753-0.

Norte A. C., Margos G., Becker N. S. et al. 2020. Host dispersal shapes the population structure of a tick-borne bacterial pathogen. Molecular Ecology 29:485–501, doi: 10.1111/mec.15336.

Sudyka J., Podmokła E., Drobniak S., Dubiec A., Arct A., Gustafsson L., Cichoń M. 2019. Sex-specific effects of parasites on telomere dynamics in a short-lived passerine - the blue tit. The Science of Nature 106: 6, doi: 10.1007/s00114-019-1601-5.

Janas K., Podmokła E., Lutyk D., Dubiec A., Gustafsson L., Cichoń M., Drobniak S.M. 2018. Influence of haemosporidian infection status on structural and carotenoid-based colouration in the blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus). Journal of Avian Biology 2018: e01840, doi: 10.1111/jav.01840.

Dubiec A., Podmokła E., Harnist I., Mazgajski T. D. 2018. Haemoparasites of the pied flycatcher: inter-population variation in the prevalence and community composition. Parasitology 145: 912–919. 

Dubiec A., Podmokła E., Gustafsson L. 2017. Intra-individual changes in haemosporidian infections over the nesting period in great tit females. Parasitology Research 116: 2385–2392. doi: 10.1007/s00436-017-5540-9

Podmokła E., Dubiec A., Drobniak S. M., Sudyka J., Krupski A., Arct A., Gustafsson L., Cichoń M. 2017. Effect of haemosporidian infections on host survival and recapture rate in the blue tit. Journal of Avian Biology 48: 796–803. doi: 10.1111/jav.01108

Main research interests

Behavior and ecology of mammals, especially bats (Chiroptera). I work using both 3D geometric morphometrics methods and population genetics methods.

Ongoing research project

Skull morphology of Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus — a 3D geometric morphometrics approach. In this project morphology of the cryptic species skull (especially dentary apparatus — 64 landmarks examined) were compared with reference to differences in their diet. 
Sztencel A., Jones G., Bogdanowicz W. Skull morphology of cryptic bat species Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus―the 3D geometric morphometrics approach (in prep.)

Selected publications (in chronological order)

  1. Bogdanowicz W. 1990. Geographic variation and taxonomy of Daubenton's bat, Myotis daubentoni, in Europe. Mammal., 71, 205–218.

  2. Bogdanowicz W. 1992. Phenetic relationships among bats of the family Rhinolophidae. Acta Theriol., 37: 213-240.

  3. Bogdanowicz W. 1992. Sexual dimorphism in size of the sklull in European Myotis daubentoni (Mammalia: Chiroptera). Prague Studies in Mammalogy. Charles Univ. Press, Praha, str. 17–25.

  4. Bogdanowicz W., Owen, R. D. Phylogenetic analyses of the bat family Rhinolophidae . Z. zool. Syst. Evolut.-forsch.. 30: 142–160.

  5. Bogdanowicz W. 1994. Myotis daubentonii. Mammalian Species, 475: 1-9.

  6. Bogdanowicz W., Owen, R. D. 1996. Landmark-based size and shape analysis in systematics of the plecotine bats. In: Advances in morphometrics (L. F. Marcus et al, eds.) (NATO ASI Series, A: Life Sciences, Vol. 284). Plenum Publishing, New York, pp. 489-501.

  7. Bogdanowicz W., Csada R.D., Fenton M.B. 1997. Structure of noseleaf, echolocation, and foraging behavior in the Phyllostomidae (Chiroptera). Mammal., 78: 942–953.

  8. Rydell , Bogdanowicz W. 1997. Barbastella barbastellus. Mammalian Species, 557: 1–8.

  9. Bogdanowicz, W. & Owen, R. D. 1998. In the Minotaur’s labyrinth: phylogeny of the bat family Hipposideridae. In Bat biology and conservation (T. H. Kunz & P. A. Racey, eds.). Smithsonian Inst. Press, Washington, D.C., pp. 27–42.

  10. Bogdanowicz W., Kasper S., Owen R.D. 1998. Phylogeny of plecotine bats: reevaluation of morphological and chromosomal data. Mammal., 79: 78-90.

  11. Mitchell-Jones, A. M., Amori, G., Bogdanowicz, W. et al. The atlas of European Mammals. Academic Press, London, 484 pp.

  12. Bogdanowicz, W., Fenton, M. B. & Daleszczyk, K. 1999. The relationships between echolocation calls, morphology and diet in insectivorous bats. J. Zool. (London), 247: 381–393.

  13. Gannon, W. L. & W. Bogdanowicz (eds.) 2000. Contributions to the study of bats: field use of bat detectors. Acta Chiropterologica, 2: ii + 127–244.

  14. Wójcik J.M., Bogdanowicz W., Pucek Z., et al. Morphometric variation of the common shrew Sorex araneus in Poland, in relation to karyotype. Acta Theriol., 45: 161–172 (Suppl. 1).

  15. Fenton, M. B., Bogdanowicz, W. 2002. Relationships between external morphology and foraging behaviour: bats in the genus Myotis. Can. J. Zool., 80: 1004–1013.

  16. Seamark, E. C. J. & Bogdanowicz, W. 2002. Feeding ecology of the common slit-faced bat (Nycteris thebaica) in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Acta chiropterol., 4: 49–54.

  17. Bogdanowicz, W. Pipistrellus kuhlii. In Handbuch der Säugetiere Europas. Band 4: Fledertiere. Teil II: Chiroptera II. Vespertilionidae, Molossidae, Nycteridae (F. Krapp, red.). AULA-Verlag, Wiebelsheim, str. 875–908.

  18. Gebhard, J., Bogdanowicz, W. Nyctalus noctula. In Handbuch der Säugetiere Europas. Band 4: Fledertiere. (F. Krapp, red.). AULA-Verlag, Wiebelsheim, pp. 607–694.

  19. Horáček, I., Bogdanowicz, , Dulić, B., 2004: Plecotus austriacus. In Handbuch der Säugetiere Europas. Band 4: Fledertiere. Teil II: Chiroptera II. Vespertilionidae, Molossidae, Nycteridae (F. Krapp, red.). AULA-Verlag, Wiebelsheim, pp. 1001–1049.

  20. Ibáñez, C., Guillén, A., Bogdanowicz, W. Nyctalus lasiopterus. In Handbuch der Säugetiere Europas. Band 4: Fledertiere. Teil II: Chiroptera II. Vespertilionidae, Molossidae, Nycteridae (F. Krapp, red.). AULA-Verlag, Wiebelsheim, pp. 717–756.

  21. Bogdanowicz, W. et al. (eds.). Fauna of Poland: characteristics and checklist of species. Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii, Warszawa, Volume 1: 509 pp.

  22. Bogdanowicz, W., Juste, J., Owen, R.D., Sztencel, A. 2005. Geometric morphometrics and cladistics: testing evolutionary relationships in mega- and microbats. Acta chiropterol., 7: 39-49 2005

  23. Ruczyński, I., Bogdanowicz, W. Roost cavity selection by Nyctalus noctula and N. leisleri (Vespertilionidae, Chiroptera) in Bialowieza Primeval Forest, eastern Poland. J. Mammal., 86: 921-930.

  24. Gajewska, M., Bogdanowicz, W. Fossil DNA i.e. lessen from the past. Kosmos, 55(1): 117–128.

  25. Bogdanowicz, W. et al. (eds.). Fauna of Poland: characteristics and checklist of species. Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii, Warszawa, Volume 2: 505 pp.

  26. Niermann N., Biedermann M., Bogdanowicz W., et al. Biogeography of the recently described Myotis alcathoe von Helversen and Heller, 2001. Acta Chiropterol. 9: 361–378.

  27. Van Den Bussche R., Bogdanowicz W., Gajewska M., et al. Ancient DNA sheds light on the history of mouse-eared bats (Myotis) in Europe. J. Vertebr. Paleontol., 27 (3): 161A–161A Suppl.

  28. Fontaine, P., …, Bogdanowicz, W., et al. 2007. The European Union’s 2010 target: Putting rare species in focus. Conserv. 139: 167–185.

  29. Bogdanowicz, W. et al. (eds.). Fauna of Poland: characteristics and checklist of species. Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii, Warszawa, Volume 3: 603 pp.

  30. Lamb J. M, Ralph T. M. C., Goodman S. M., Bogdanowicz W., et al. 2008. Phylogeography and predicted distribution of African-Arabian and Malagasy populations of giant mastiff bats, Otomops (Chiroptera: Molossidae). Acta Chiropterol., 10: 21–40.

  31. Ruczyński, I., Bogdanowicz W. 2008. Summer roost selection by tree-dwelling bats Nyctalus noctula and N. leisleri: a multi-scale analysis. Journal of Mammalogy 89: 942-951.

  32. Bogdanowicz W. Analysis of bat morphology. 409–435, in Ecological and behavioral methods for the study of bats, 2nd edition (T. H. Kunz and S. Parsons, eds.). Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 901 pp.

  33. Sztencel-Jabłonka A, Bogdanowicz W. 2012. Population genetics study of common (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) and soprano (Pipistrellus pygmaeus) pipistrelle bats from central Europe suggests interspecific hybridization. Canadian Journal of Zoology 90: 1251–1260. DOI:10.1139/Z2012-092

  34. Theuerkauf J, Perez J, Taugamoa A, Niutoua I, Labrousse D, Gula R, Bogdanowicz W, Jourdan H, Goarant C. 2013. Leptospirosis risk increases with changes in species composition of rat populations. The Science of Nature [=Naturwissenschaften] 100(4): 385-388. DOI:10.1007/s00114-013-1033-6

  35. Furman A, Coraman E, Nagy ZL, Postawa T, Bilgin R, Gajewska M, Bogdanowicz W. 2013. Phylogeography of the large Myotis bats (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in Europe, Asia Minor, and Transcaucasia. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 108: 189–209.

  36. Bogdanowicz W, Lesiński G, Sadkowska-Todys M, Gajewska M,  Rutkowski R. 2013. Population Genetics and Bat Rabies: A Case Study of Eptesicus serotinus in Poland. Acta Chiropterologica 15: 35–56. DOI:10.3161/150811013X667849

  37. Bogdanowicz W, Pilot M, Gajewska M, Suchecka E, Golachowski M. 2013. Genetic diversity in a moulting colony of southern elephant seals in comparison with breeding colonies. Marine Ecology Progress Series 478: 287-300.

  38. Pilot M, Dąbrowski MJ, Hayrapetyan V, Yavruyan EG, Kopaliani N, Tsingarska E, Bujalska B, Kamiński S, Bogdanowicz W. 2014. Genetic Variability of the Grey Wolf Canis lupus in the Caucasus in Comparison with Europe and the Middle East: Distinct or Intermediary Population? PLoS ONE 9(4):e93828. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0093828

  39. Pilot M, Malewski T, Moura AE, Grzybowski T, Oleński K, Ruść A, Kamiński S, Fadel F, Mills D, Alagaili AA, Mohammed OB, Kłys G, Okhlopkov I, Suchecka E, Bogdanowicz W. On the origin of mongrels: Evolutionary history of free-breeding dogs in Eurasia. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 20152189. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2015.2189
  40. Rutkowski R, Krofel M, Giannatos G, Ćirović D, Männil P, Volokh AM, Lanszki J, Heltai M, Szabó L, Banea OC, Yavruyan E, Hayrapetyan V, Kopaliani N, Miliou A, Tryfonopoulos GA, Lymberakis P, Penezić A, Pakeltytė G, Suchecka E, Bogdanowicz W. 2015. A European Concern? Genetic Structure and Expansion of Golden Jackals (Canis aureus) in Europe and the Caucasus. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0141236. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0141236

  41. Duleba A,  Skonieczna K, Bogdanowicz W, Malyarchuk B, Grzybowski T. 2015. Complete mitochondrial genome database and standardized classification system for Canis lupus familiaris. Forensic Science International: Genetics 19:123-129. DOI:10.1016/j.fsigen.2015.06.014

  42. Malewski T, Bogdanowicz W, Durska E, Łoś M, Kamiński M, Kowalewska K. 2015. Expression Profiling of Heat Shock Genes in a Scuttle Fly Megaselia scalaris (Diptera, Phoridae). Journal of Experimental Zoology 323A:704–713.

  43. Bogdanowicz W, Hulva P, Černá Bolfíková B, Buś MM, Rychlicka E, Sztencel-Jabłonka A, Cistrone L, Russo D. 2015. Cryptic diversity of Italian bats and the role of the Apennine refugium in the phylogeography of the western Palaearctic. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 174: 635-648. DOI:10.1111/zoj.12248.

  44. Sztencel-Jabłonka A, Mazgajski T, Bury S, Najbar B, Rybacki M, Bogdanowicz W, Mazgajska J. 2015. Phylogeography of the smooth snake Coronella austriaca (Serpentes: Colubridae): Evidence for a reduced gene pool and a genetic discontinuity in Central Europe. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 115:195–210, doi:10.1111/bij.1249.

  45. Theuerkauf J., Kuehn R., Gula R., Sztencel-Jabłonka A., Jourdan H., Taugamoa A., Labrousse D. & Bogdanowicz W. 2015. Invasion history affects genetic structure in island rat populations. Journal of Zoology 295: 197–

  46. de Jong Y., Kouwenberg J., Boumans L., Hussey Ch., Hyam R., Nicolson N., Kirk P., Paton A., Michel E., Guiry MD., Boegh PS., Pedersen H A., Enghoff H., von Raab-Straube E., Guntsch A., Geoffroy M., Muller A., Kohlbecker A., Berendsohn W., Appeltans W., Arvanitidis Ch., Vanhoorne B., Declerck J., Vandepitte L., Hernandez F., Nash R., Costello MJ., Ouvrard D., Bezard-Falgas P., Bourgoin T., Wetzel FT., Glockler F., Korb G., Hagedorn G., Hauser Ch., Aktac N., Asan A., Ardelean A., Borges PAV., Dhora D., Khachatryan H., Malicky M., Ibrahimov S., Tuzikov A., De Wever A., Moncheva S., Spassov N., Chobot K., Popov A., Borsic I., Sfenthourakis S., Koljalg U., Uotila P., Olivier G., Dauvin J-C., Tarkhnishvili D., Chaladze G., Tuerkay M., Legakis A., Peregovits L., Gudmundsson G., Olafsson E., Lysaght L., Galil BS., Raimondo FM., Domina G., Stoch F., Minelli A., Spungis V., Budrys E., Olenin S., Turpel A., Walisch T., Krpach V., Gambin MT., Ungureanu L., Karaman G., Kleukers RMJ., Stur E., Aagaard K., Valland N., Moen TL., Bogdanowicz W., Tykarski P., Weslawski JM., Kedra M., de Frias MA., Abreu AD., Silva R., Medvedev S., Ryss A., Simic S., Marhold K., Stloukal E., Tome D., Ramos MA., Valdes B., Pina F., Kullander S., Telenius A., Gonseth Y., Tschudin P., Sergeyeva O., Vladymyrov V., Rizun VB., Raper Ch., Lear D., Stoev P., Penev L., Rubio AC., Backeljau T., Saarenmaa H., Ulenberg S. 2015. PESI - a taxonomic backbone for Europe. Biodiversity Data Journal 3: e5848.

  47. Bogdanowicz W., Grzybowski T., Buś M. Genetic Analysis of Selected Graves from the Cemetery. In: Bodzia: A Late Viking-Age Elite Cemetery In Central Poland. Book Series: East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages 450–1450. Volume 27,  Pages: 463-476.

  48. Pilot M, Malewski T, Moura AE, Grzybowski T, Oleński K, Kamiński S, Fadel F, Alagaili AA, Mohammed OB, Bogdanowicz W. 2016. Diversifying selection between pure-breed and free-breeding dogs inferred from genome-wide SNP analysis. G3 (Bethesda): 6(8):2285-2298.

  49. Rutkowski R, Jagolkowska P, Zawadzka D, Bogdanowicz W. 2016. Impacts of forest fragmentation and post-glacial colonization on the distribution of genetic diversity in the Polish population of the hazel grouse Terastes bonasia. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 62:  293-306.

  50. Rydell J, Bogdanowicz W, Boonman A, Pettersson S, Suchecka E, Pomorski JJ.  2016. Bats may eat diurnal flies that rest on wind turbines. Mammalian Biology, 81: 331-339.

  51. Soisook P, Karapan S, Srikrachang M, Dejtaradol A, Nualcharoen K, Bumrungsri S, Oo SSL, Aung MM, Bates PJJ, Harutyunyan M, Bus MM, Bogdanowicz W. 2016. Hill forest dweller: a new cryptic species of Rhinolophus in the 'pusillus group' (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) from Thailand and Lao PDR. Acta Chiropterologica, 18: 117-139.

