Unia Europejska

foto Piotr Ślipiński

dr. Luca Pietro Casacci, Adiunkt


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Italian Scientific Habilitation in Zoology – BIO/05 (05.04.2018).

PhD in Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity Conservation (2008-2010). Thesis: Eco-ethological and evolutionary processes in the Maculinea-Myrmica system. University of Turin, Turin, (Italy).

Italian Professional Habilitation in Biology (03.09.2009)

Master’s degree in Animal Conservation and Biodiversity (2004-2007), University of Turin, Turin (Italy).

Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences (1999-2004), University of Turin, Turin (Italy).

Current projects:

Evolution of vibro-acoustic communication in ants.

Evolution of acoustic signals in butterfly-ant interactions.

Relationship between Myrmica ants and their parasitic fungus Rickia wasmannii.

Studies on inquiline social parasite, Myrmica karavajevi.

Conservation genetics of Euphydryas italica (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in italy.

Habitat quality in the Euphydryas aurinia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) complex

Main research interests:

Insect bioacoustics

Chemical ecology in social insects

Host- parasite evolutionary dynamics

Butterfly conservation

Phylogeny, biogeography and taxonomy of butterflies

Research grants and scholarships:

  • NCN Research grant No. 2016/23/P/NZ8/04254 within POLONEZ 3 call (2018/2019 – 24 months) for the project “VIBRANT - Evolution of VIBRoacoustic communication in ANTs”, Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (Poland)
  • Research scholarship (2017 - 7 months) “Characterisation of the vibroacoustic and chemical signals mediating the interaction between lycaenid butterflies and their host ants”, Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology, University of Turin, Turin (Italy)
  • Research grant (2016/2017 - 12 months) for the project "Acoustic communication in Lycaenid butterflies", Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology, University of Turin, Turin (Italy)
  • Grant by Fondazione Ricerca e Talenti (05.03.2016) for the “Organisation of Scientific Workshops”.
  • Research scholarship (2015/2016 - 12 months) for the project “Knowledge about the Lepidoptera species in Capanne di Marcarolo National Park”, Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology, University of Turin, Turin (Italy)
  • Mobility Grant (27.11.2015) “Short Term Scientific Mission. Progetto COST – Action 1405
  • Basic research investment fund (FIRB) grant (2013/2015 - 24 months) within the project "Multi-taxa approach for the study of the Italian Biodiversity to climate change", Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology, University of Turin, Turin (Italy)
  • Research grant (2011/2013 - 24 months) within the project "Development of an index for the evaluation of agri-environmental measures of the 2007-2013 Rural Development Program through the use of Lepidoptera as bioindicators", Department of Animal and Human Biology, University of Turin, Turin (Italy)
  • PhD scholarship (2008/2010 - 36 months), Department of Animal and Human Biology, University of Turin, Turin (Italy)

Academic work experience:

  • Italian Scientific Habilitation (2018)
  • Adjunct Professor (2017/2018) - General Zoology course with Laboratory, Bachelor’s Degree in Natural Sciences, University of Turin
  • Expert in Biological Sciences(BIO/05) (from 2014), Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology, University of Turin
  • Adjunct Professor (2011/2012) – Animal Conservation and Biodiversity, Master’s Degree in animal Conservation, University of Turin
  • Teaching assistant (2008/2009 - 2014/2015) - General Zoology, Bachelor’s Degree in Biological Sciences, University of Turin
  • Teaching assistant (2008/2009 - 2012/2013) - Biological Conservation, Master’s Degree in Animal Conservation and Environmental Biology, University of Turin
  • Teaching assistant (2007/2008, 2009/2010, 2010/2011, 2012/2013, 2014/2015) – Lepidopterology, Master’s Degree in Animal Conservation and Environmental Biology, University of Turin


Abreu de Assis R., Casacci L.P., Bonelli S., Barbero F., Elias de Assis L.M., Venturino E. (2018) Effects of host interspecific interaction in the Maculinea-Myrmica parasite-host system. BULLETIN OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY

Trigos Peral G., Casacci L.P., Ślipiński P., Grześ I.R., Moroń D., Babik H., Witek M. (2018) Ant communities and Solidago plant invasion: Environmental properties and food sources. ENTOMOLOGICAL SCIENCES.

Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Barbero F., Dapporto L., Sbordoni V., Scalercio S., Zilli A., Battistoni A., Teofili C., Rondinini C., Balletto E., (2018). The first red list of Italian butterflies. INSECT CONSERVATION AND DIVERSITY.

de Assis R.A., dos Santos Cecconello M., Casacci L.P., Barbero F., de Assis, L.M.E., Venturino E. and Bonelli S. (2017) A theory and a mathematical model for the evolution of single and multiple host behavior in a parasite-host system (Maculinea-Myrmica). ECOLOGICAL COMPLEXITY.

Dapporto, L., Cini, A., Menchetti, M., Vodă, R., Bonelli, S., Casacci, L.P., Dincă, V., Scalercio, S., Hinojosa, J.C., Biermann, H. and Forbicioni, L., 2017. Rise and fall of island butterfly diversity: Understanding genetic differentiation and extinction in a highly diverse archipelago. DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS, 23(10), pp.1169-1181.

Csata E. 1, Timuş N. 1, Witek M. 1, Casacci L.P. 1, Lucas C., Bagnères A.G., Sztencel-Jabłonka A., Barbero F., Bonelli S., Rákosy L. and Markó B., (2017). Lock-picks: fungal infection facilitates the intrusion of strangers into ant colonies. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 7. (1 first authors)

Schönrogge K., Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Settele J., Thomas J.A. (2017) Acoustic communication within ant societies and its mimicry by mutualistic and socially parasitic myrmecophiles. ANIMAL BEHAVIOR, doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2016.10.031.

Riva F., Barbero F., Bonelli S., Balletto E., Casacci L. P. (2016). The acoustic repertoire of lycaenid butterfly larvae. BIOACOUSTICS, 1-14.

Patricelli D., Barbero F., Occhipinti A., Bertea C.M., Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Zebelo S.A., Crocoll C., Gershenzon J., Maffei M.E., Thomas J.A., Balletto E. (2015) Plant defenses against ants provide a pathway to social parasitism in butterflies. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON B: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 282:1-9, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2015.1111.

Barbero F. and Casacci L.P. (2015) Butterflies that trick ants with sound. PHYSICS TODAY, 68.4: 64-65.

Bonelli S., Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Cerrato C. and Balletto E. (2015) The butterfly fauna of the Italian maritime alps: results of the «edit» project. ZOOSYSTEMA, 37(1), 139-167.

Bonelli S., Barbero F., Casacci L.P., and Balletto E. (2015) Habitat preferences of Papilio alexanor: implications for habitat management in the italian maritime alps. ZOOSYSTEMA, 37.1: 169-177.

Casacci L.P., Cerrato C., Barbero F., Bosso L., Ghidotti S., Paveto M., Pesce M., Plazio E., Panizza G., Balletto E., Viterbi R., Bonelli S. (2015) Dispersal and connectivity effects at different altitudes in the Euphydryas aurinia complex. JOURNAL OF INSECT CONSERVATION, doi: 10.1007/s10841-014-9715-8.

Sala M., Casacci L.P.*, Balletto E., Bonelli S., Barbero F. (2014) Variation in Butterfly Larval Acoustics as a Strategy to Infiltrate and Exploit Host Ant Colony Resources. PLOSONE 9.4 (2014): e94341. (* corresponding author)

Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Balletto E., & Bonelli, S. (2014). Breaking the acoustical code of ants: The social parasite’s pathway. THE JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, 36(4), 2184-2184.

Carlos A.A., Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Bonelli S. & Bueno O.C. (2014). Bioacoustics of Trachymyrmex fuscus, Trachymyrmex tucumanus, and Atta sexdens rubropilosa (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). THE JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, 136(4), 2074-2074.

Casacci L.P., Barbero F., & Balletto E. (2013). The “Evolutionarily Significant Unit” concept and its applicability in biological conservation. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, 1-12.

Witek M., Casacci L.P., Barbero F., Patricelli D., Sala M., Bossi S., Maffei M., Woyciechowski M., Balletto E., Bonelli S. Interspecific relationships in sympatric populations of ant social parasites (2013) BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY 109(3), 699-709.

Casacci L.P., Thomas J.A., Sala M., Treanor D., Bonelli S., Balletto E., Schonrogge K. (2013) Ant pupae employ acoustics to communicate social status in their colony’s hierarchy. CURRENT BIOLOGY, Vol. 23, pp. 323–327.

Abreu de Assis R., Bonelli S., Witek M., Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Balletto E., Venturino E., Castro Ferreira W. (2012) A model for the evolution of parasite-host interactions based on the Maculinea-Myrmica system: numerical simulations and multiple host behavior, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS: REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS (ISSN:1468-1218) , Vol. 13, pp. 1507- 1524.

Patricelli D., Barbero F., La Morgia V., Casacci L.P., Witek M., Balletto E., Bonelli S. (2011). To lay or not to lay: oviposition of Maculinea arion in relation to Myrmica ant presence and host plant phenology. ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, Vol. 82; pp. 791-799.

Casacci L.P., Witek M., Barbero F., Patricelli D., Solazzo G., Balletto E., Bonelli S. (2011). Habitat preferences of Maculinea arion and its Myrmica host ants: implications for habitat management in Italian Alps. JOURNAL OF INSECT CONSERVATION, vol. 15; pp. 103-110.

Witek M., Patricelli D., Casacci L.P., Barbero F., Balletto E., Bonelli S., (2011). Notes on the biology and host ant specificity of the myrmecophilous syrphid fly Microdon major (Diptera: Syrphidae), a social parasite of Formica ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). SOCIOBIOLOGY, vol. 57; pp. 261-269.

Patricelli D., Witek M., Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Bonelli S., Balletto E., (2010) - Evidence of high larval host ant specificity in the first post-adoption phase for the myrmecophilous butterfly Phengaris (Maculinea) nausithous (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). SOCIOBIOLOGY, Vol. 55, pp. 861- 870.

Sielezniew M., Patricelli D., Dziekańska I., Barbero F., Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Witek M., Balletto E., (2010) - The first record of Myrmica lonae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as a host of the socially parasitic Large Blue Butterfly Phengaris (Maculinea) arion (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). SOCIOBIOLOGY, Vol. 56 (2), pp. 465-475.


Balletto E., Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Chakira H., Dafiné A., Ouledi A. (2015) Les papillons diurnes des Îles Comores/The butterflies of the Comoros. PENSOFT, ISBN 978-954-642-754-0

Book chapters:

Bonelli S., Cerrato C., Bordignon L., Lai V., Ripetta S., Vovlas A., Patricelli D., Witek M., Barbero F., Sala M., Casacci L.P., Balletto E. (2012) Le farfalle come bioindicatori: revisione e casi di studio. BIOLOGIA AMBIENTALE (ISSN:1129-504X), Vol. 26(2), pp. 59-67 (in Italian)

Barbero F., Patricelli D., Witek M., Balletto E., Casacci L.P., Sala M., Bonelli S. (2012) Myrmica ants and their butterfly parasites with special focus on the acoustic communication, PSYCHE (ISSN:0033-2615), pp. 1- 11, Vol. 2012.

Bonelli S., Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Cerrato C., Patricelli D., Sala M., Vovlas A., Witek M., Balletto E. (2011) Butterfly Diversity in a Changing Scenario. In: O. Grillo. CHANGING DIVERSITY IN CHANGING ENVIRONMENT: 99-132, Belgrado: INTECH Open Access Publisher.

Bonelli S., Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Balletto E. (2009) - Evolution of host-parasite interactions in the Maculinea vs. Myrmica system, in Casellato Sandra, LIFE AND TIME: THE EVOLUTION OF LIFE AND ITS HISTORY, Casellato S., Burighel P., Minelli A., Padova, pp. 7- 23.

Other publications:

Hamada C., Tufail A.W., Casacci L.P., Hua H.X., Yue Ping He, Juma M., Elyamine A.M., Ouledi A., Balletto E. (2015) The butterflies of Ngazidja and their main habitats significances. JOURNAL OF BIODIVERSITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, 7(6): 10-22

Balletto E., Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Cerrato C., Patricelli D., Bonelli S., (2009) – The impact of climate change on Italian butterflies, STUDI TRENTINI DI SCIENZE NATURALI , pp. 2- 6,  Vol. 86 (in Italian)

Participation at Congresses:

Butterfly Conservation’s 8th International Symposium – 06-08.04.2018, Southampton (United Kingdom)

  • Casacci L.P., Zaccagno M., Wanderlingh A.A., Clerico S., Bonelli S., Friard O., Fiedler K., Barbero F. Evolution of acoustic signals in lycaenid-ant interactions (Poster)
  • Casacci L.P., Chiadò Caponet M., Dapporto L., Vila R., Vodă R., Dincă V., Čelik T., Dolek M., Sielezniew M., Balletto E., Meregalli M., Bonelli S. Is Euphydryas italica a new species for italy? (Oral)

7th Central European Workshop of Myrmecology – 22-23.04.2017, Krakow (Poland)

  • Csata E., Keresztes K.K., Casacci L.P., Heize J., Ruther J., Markò B. The interference of an ectoparasitic fungus with kin-non-kin discrimination abilities in ants (Oral)
  • Casacci L.P., Bonelli S., Balletto E., Barbero F. Maculinea butterflies evolved two distinct chemical strategies to integrate within host ant colonies (Poster)

1st International Symposium on Biotremology – 5-7.07.2016, San Michele all’Adige (Italy)

  • Riva F., Barbero F., Bonelli S., Balletto E., Casacci LP. Evolution of lycaenid vibroacoustic signals (Oral)

Ant interactions with fungi, microbes, other insects, and plants - Insights from integrative approaches – 5-7.05.2016, Munich (Germany)

  • Csata E., Witek M., Casacci L.P., Markó B. Infiltration chances for ‘others’: how fungal infection shapes ant societies (Oral)

Future of Butterflies in Europe IV – 31.03-02.04.2016, Wageningen (Netherlands)

  • Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Barbero F., Cerrato C., Toffoli R., Balletto E. The effect of management and environmental matrix on butterfly diversity in Natura 2000 farmlands (Oral)
  • Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Barbero F., Dapporto L., Sbordoni V., Scalercio S., Zilli A., Battistoni A., Teofili C., Rondinini C., Balletto E. A Red List of Italian Butterflies (Poster)
  • Dapporto L., Cini A., Menchetti M., Voda R., Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Dinca V., Scalercio S., Forbicioni L., Mazzantini U., Venturi L., Zanichelli F., Shreeve T., Balletto E., Dennis R., Vila R. – Coupling academia and society facilitates the discovery and protection of a multifaceted butterfly fauna on islands (Poster)
  • Ghidotti S, Casacci L.P., Cerrato C., Barbero F., Bosso L., Paveto M., Pesce M., Plazio E., Panizza G., Balletto E., Viterbi R., Bani L., Bonelli S. Habitat quality in the Euphydryas aurinia complex (Poster)

Workshop COST Action FA1405 "CAMo: from molecules to modeling" – 14-15.09.2015, Torino (Italy)

4th Central European Meeting of IUSSI – 26-29.03.2015, Lichtenfels (Germany)

  • Trigos Peral G., Babik H., Grześ I., Moroń D., Casacci L.P., Walter B., Ślipiński P., Witek M. Influence of goldenrod invasion on ant species diversity and colony life history traits (Oral)

BioButterfly, 7th International Conference on the Biology of Butterflies – 11-14.08.2014, Helsinki (Finland)

  • Casacci L.P., Cerrato C., Ghidotti S., Viterbi R., Plazio E., Pesce M., Bosso L., Paveto M., Barbero F., Bonelli S. – Dispersal abilities and habitat preferences of the Euphydryas aurinia complex (Poster)
  • Riva F., Barbero F., Bonelli S., Balletto E., Casacci L.P. – Evolutionary aspects of lycaenid acoustic emissions (Poster)

BCE, Butterfly Conservation's 7th International Symposium – 4-6.03.2014, Southampton (United Kingdom)

  • Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Cerrato C., Ghidotti S., Barbero F., Balletto E., Viterbi R. - Mobility dynamics, habitat preferences and conservation perspectives of the Euphydryas aurinia complex (Oral)
  • Paveto M., Pesce M., Plazio E., Bosso L., Panizza G., Casacci L.P., Barbero B., Bonelli S. e Balletto E. - Conservation status assessment of mediterranean populations of the Euphydryas aurinia complex (Poster)

3rd European Insect Science meeting – 6-9.11.2012, Ivrea (Italy)

  • Sala M., Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Di Giulio A., Maurizi E., Balletto E., Bonelli S. - Acoustic behaviour in myrmecophilous insects (Oral)
  • Barbero F., Patricelli D., Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Crocoll C., Zebelo S.A, Bertea C.M., Gershenzon J., Maffei M.E., Thomas J.A., Balletto E. - A social parasite exploits cues from the coevolutionary race between food plant and host ant (Oral)

JSPS Core-to-Core, Max Plank Institute for Chemical Ecology – 15-16.10. 2012, Jena (Germany)

  • Barbero F., Patricelli D., Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Crocoll C., Zebelo S.A, Bertea C.M., Gershenzon J., Maffei M.E., Thomas J.A., Balletto E. Ant-induced plant volatiles reveal host presence to a myrmecophilous parasite butterfly (Oral)

5th Congress of European Section of the IUSSI – 26-30.08. 2012, Firenze (Italy)

  • Casacci L.P., Bonelli S., Balletto E. Comparison of chemical deception strategies and acoustical mimetism between two social parasites of ants (Oral)
  • Witek M., Casacci L.P., Barbero F., Patricelli D., Sala M., Balletto E., Bonelli S. Temporal and spatial patterns of ant social parasite segregation (Oral)

ISCE, 28th Meeting of the International Society of Chemical Ecology – 22-26.07. 2012, Vilnius (Lithuania)

  • Casacci L.P., Bonelli S., Balletto E. Cuckoo versus predatory Maculinea butterfly species: distinct chemical integration strategies inside the host ant colonies (Poster)

Future of Butterflies in Europe III – 29-31.03 2012, Wageningen (Netherlands)

  • Bonelli S., Barbero F., Cerrato C., Casacci L.P., Loglisci N., Balletto E., Buffa G. 30 years changes in alpine butterfly communities (Oral)
  • Bonelli S., Ferrando S., Cerrato C.,Casacci L.P., Quirino M., Balletto E., Alliani N. Butterflies as bioindicators in agricultural landscapes? A case study from NW Italy (Poster)

IBAC - The XXIII meeting of the International Bioacoustics Council - 12-16.09.2011, La Rochelle (France)

  • Sala M., Casacci L.P., Barbero F., Balletto E., Bonelli S. Acoustic behaviour in butterfly social parasites: a comparison between cuckoo and predatory species (Oral)

BCE - Butterfly Conservation's 6th International Symposium – 25-28.03. 2010, Reading (United Kingdom)

  • Casacci L.P., Witek M., Barbero F., Patricelli D., Solazzo G., Balletto E., Bonelli S. Habitat preferences of Phengaris (Maculinea) arion and its Myrmica host ants: implications for habitat management in the Alps (Oral)
  • Fracastoro L., Casacci L.P., Cerrato C., Barbero F., Bonelli S., Balletto E. Shift in alpine butterfly communities along an altitudinal gradient (Poster)

ESEB 12th Congress – 24-29.08.2009, Torino (Italy)

  • Casacci L.P., Barbero F., Bonelli S., Balletto E. - Ant ecology and the evolution of their Maculinea social parasites (Poster)

SERL - 5th "Ecology and Behavior" Meeting – 6-10.04.2009, Lione (France)

  • Barbero F., Casacci L.P. - Multimodal communication in the butterfly social parasite of the genus Maculinea: the acoustical domain (Oral)
  • Casacci L.P., Barbero F. - Multimodal communication in the butterfly social parasite of the genus Maculinea: the chemical domain (Oral)

RES - Entomological Forum of the Royal Entomological Society – 4-5.02.2009, York (United Kingdom)

  • Casacci L.P., Bonelli S., Balletto E. - The chemical coevolution between a butterfly social parasite and its host ant (Oral)

UZI - 69° Congresso Nazionale Unione Zoologica Italiana – 22-25.09.2008, Senigallia (Italy)

  • Barbero F., Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Balletto E. - Parassitismo e comunicazione interspecifica nel complesso sistema Maculinea (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) (Oral)

17-18.04.2008, BCE - Future of Butteflies in Europe II – Wageningen (Netherlands)

  • Barbero F., Balletto E., Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Elmes G.W., Shonrogge K., Thomas J.A. - The acoustical communication in the myrmecophilous butterfly of the genus Maculinea (Oral)

UZI - 68° Congresso Nazionale Unione Zoologica Italiana – 24-27.09.2007, Lecce (Italy)

  • Balletto E., Barbero F., Bonelli S., Canterino S., Casacci L.P. Effetti dei cambiamenti climatici sulle estinzioni di popolazioni italiane di farfalle diurne e zigenidi (Oral)

BioButterfly, 5th International Conference on the Biology of Butterflies - 2-7.07.2007, Roma (Italy)

  • Barbero F., Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Schonrogge K., Elmes G.W., Balletto E., Thomas J.A. Relationship between Maculinea butterflies and Myrmica ants (Oral)
  • Casacci L.P., Barbero F., Bonelli S., Balletto E. - The host-specificity of Maculinea rebeli in Italy (Poster)
  • Bonelli S., Scalercio S., Casacci L.P., Canterino S., Balletto E. – Biology and conservation of Euphydryas maturna in Italy (Oral)

UZI - 67° Congresso Nazionale Unione Zoologica Italiana – 12-16.09.2006, Napoli (Italy)

  • Turchetto M., Gherlenda M., Camerin L., Moretto E., Casacci L.P., Bonelli S., Balletto E. La specificità del rapporto ospite parassita nei licenidi mirmecofili (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) (Poster)

Research abroad:

  • Institute of Zoology, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany (2017 – 2 weeks). Behavioural ecology of Myrmica ants and their parasitic fungus Rickia wasmannii.
  • Institute of Evolutionary Biology, Barcelona, Spain (2017 – 2 weeks). Conservation genetics of Euphydryas maturna in Italy (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae).
  • Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland (2016 - 3 weeks). Population genetics training.
  • Institute of Evolutionary Biology, Barcelona, Spain (2016 - 1 week). Conservation genetics of Euphydryas maturna in Italy (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae).
  • Research Institute on Insect Biology, Tours, France (2015 - 6 weeks). Chemical ecology of Myrmica ants and their parasitic fungus Rickia wasmannii.
  • Institute of Evolutionary Biology, Barcelona, Spain (2014 – 5 weeks). Philogeny of the genus Hipparchia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
  • University of Mahajanga (Madagascar) and Gran Comora (Comoros Islands), (2012 - 1 month). Member of the Committee for Thesis Dissertation for "International Master in Sustainable Biodiversity Management and Conservation".
  • Center for Ecology & Hydrology, Wallingford, United Kingdom (2011 - 1 month). Bioacoustics in ant societies.
  • Center for Ecology & Hydrology, Wallingford, United Kingdom (2010 - 3 months). Chemical ecology of Maculinae-Myrmica


Oferty Pracy

