Unia Europejska

foto Piotr Ślipiński



Ewa Barycka

Middle and late Pleistocene Felidae and Hyaenidae of Poland 

Fauna Poloniae Vol.2 New series

Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Natura optima dux Foundation.

Warszawa 2008

ca 173 x 243 mm, 228 pages, 101 figures, 59 tables, hardcover

ISBN 978-83-918040-5-6

Cena: 54 zł + koszt przesyłki

Please contact our orders department , or use online form (secure HTTPS connection)

A revision of middle and late Pleistocene feliform carnivoran remains from the caves in the vicinity of Cracow proved the presence of Crocuta crocuta spelaea, Felis silvestris and Panthera spelaea spelaea and, for the first time, Panthera spelaea fossilis, thus enriching the list of big cats in Polish middle Pleistocene fauna. No Lynx remains were found. Analyses of Crocuta crocuta’s teeth brought about the revision of cave hyaena stratigraphy. Correlations between migration events and the size and shape of teeth were recognized. Different limb proportions are regarded as leading to a reduction of cursoriality but an increase in endurance and stability while carrying large pieces of carcass. Detailed evolutionary changes were determined in cave lion evolution. Additional diagnostic differences were recognized for Panthera spelaea. Mass and sexual dimorphism of cave lion were estimated. A marked narrowing of the lower incisors region and different proportion of limb bones were found. When compared to modern European wildcats, wildcat remains reveal intermediate characteristics between Felis silvestris silvestris and Felis silvestris tatressia.

Key words: Carnivora, Panthera spelaea, Crocuta spelaea, systematics, morphology, Europe


Oferty Pracy

